Ch. 25. Pretty Liar

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Jasmine's POV

Sleep. They said sleeping is most important thing in life. And I can't believe more.

And how couldn't I? My only relief is to sleep. When I was sleeping I had nothing to worry about. Nothing to fear.

But who am I kidding? It doesn't happen with me.

My sleeps are cursed with nightmares.

I am at fault. I didn't deny it. But until when? It's more than 4 years now. And I can't fight it anymore.

These sleeping pills are my only relief. When I take them it's the only times I can sleep freely. I am not sad, I am not scared, I am not hurting, I am not lonely.

But their doses are continuously rising.

And the panic attack. It was the first time when I controlled it, didn't fall in. If Mike was not there, then I surely lying in the middle of the kitchen. And after that I had to forget the memories, had to buried it in the depth of my mind.

The slumberness is took over me. My eyelids are dropping off, it hurts to open them. A numbness fall over, make my limbs fridge. I took one last deep breath and fall into the utter darkness, where I can leave everything behind for more than 12 hours.





"Is she sleeping or dead?"

"Shut up Aman! She is sleeping. Can't you see her taking breaths?"

" Then why isn't she is waking? And this damn cat! Take it away from her. Why it is hugging her?"

" It's just a little kitten. What will happen with it's hugging or cuddling with her?"

" It should be me."

" Did you say something?"

" Nope."

" Hmm."

" So.... Mike! Stop looking at her cupboards. It's wrong."

" What? And it's okay to enter ones house when she is sleeping and looking at her like she is your favourite dish!
And I just wanted to see her family pictures. Have you noticed that there is not a single family photos anywhere."

" Nope. Hey Fiore!"

"I don't think she will be awake soon. She took sleeping pills. Look at the bottle on the table."

" Who sleeps consuming pills at daytime? Ha! No problem, I am taking her with me."

" Aman stop. We just can't take her like this."

" Not my problem."

" Aman! Think about her. And from when we begin kidnapping people in their sleeping? If nothing else then think about our prestige, what will our members said when they noticed their boss is fucking bring some girl in her slumber!"

" You think too much, my friend. Now shut up and follow me.

"I can't bear with you."

"I love you too Mike. Now, shall we?"

" Yes."


I opened my eyes and blinked rapidly to adjust the light in my eyes. Then I again closed my eyes and dropped the blanket from my body. My eyes are still felt heavy and drowsy. What time is it? I stretches my right hand to grab the alarm clock, which is placed on the table right side of my bed. But I found nothing. As my hand is still in the bed.

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