Ch. 52

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"Those bloody motherfuckers! I shouldn't have killed them then. I should let them live. Then I could torture them my hearts fill." I throw the camera to the wall with full force. It scattered over immediately, broken into pieces by pieces.

"How dare they! How dare they shoot a video of forcing my Fiore! Ahhhaaa....!" I looked around to find anything to put my anger into. In a burning rage, I slammed my body to the nearest wall.

"Aman! Calm down, calm down for fucks sake. You are going to hurt yourself." I heard Mike's worried voice behind me, I don't give a damn about that.

"She is mine!" I snarled to face him. "She is only mine. No other person has permission to touch her like that. Only I can touch her like that, only I." I growled like a rabid animal. "They dared to film such a thing. Did you watch how much she was crying? Struggling? Shouting for me?" I gripped my hair. "I should be there before they even touch her, lay hand upon her. They shouldn't be holding her in the first place." I slumped down on the chair, panting loudly.

"Yes. I know. But she is safe, for now. So cool down your head or I will fucking drown you in ice water. That's why I told you not to tie her with our life. Did you see the results? I fucking forbid you to even brought her here. But you hadn't listened." Mike scoffed.

"How is she? Is she okay? She isn't hurt or anything, right?" Mike added slowly.

"Why didn't you ask her? You called yourself her brother, but you didn't even go back to see her in the last twenty-four hours. Fucking brother! My foot!"

"Aman I will fucking kill you if you dared to talk like this!" Mike's calm demeanour changed into a raging one, matching mine. "Yes, I didn't go. Because she was with you. Because I trust you that you never let her hurt. And don't break my trust, never, ever. Or brother or not, I will destroy you."

"Enough! You two." Marshall slammed the steel table, forcing us to look at him. "What are you two doing? I can't believe it. You are fighting for a girl! Don't forget why we are here, what we have to do. If your father got any hints about what are we doing here then we are finished. Do you get it? She is fine for now, had no danger. So both of you, drop this and fucks sake move on to the next plan." He hissed loudly.

"He is right, Boss." Jordan joins us. There is a stain of blood on his wife beater. "Leave it for now and let's go to welcome our newest guest for tonight, Lory Lapraik."

"Now you are talking. Where is the bastard?" I rolled up my sleeves in excitement.

"In the torture room."

"Wait, Aman! You are not going there." Mike stopped me.

"Why?" I snarled.

"Because I don't want him to be dead right now. I know what you are thinking but stop here. He is an important person to us and I don't want to lose him. Just wait until we are done."

"But he...."

"I know, I know. Trust me, I also want to break his bones. But it's not the right time. Just wait a bit." He grabs my shoulders. I lowered my gaze. "Jordan! Take care of the fucker. I want to know why he kidnapped Jasmine first." He dragged me to the couch and slumped down with me.

"Want a glass?" Marshall handed us two whiskeys. I grabbed mine and finished it in one go, while Mike didn't even touch his glass.

"So... The ship reached Italy without getting into your father's eyes and now everything is in place. Should we make a move now or do you want to wait for confirmation of the others? Marshall tried to fill my glass but Mike stopped him.

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