Ch. 59. Miss me

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"What are you thinking?"

Liza nudged my side as I keep looking at the horizon unblinkingly.

"What?" I startled at the suddeness of her voice.

"Owah! Calm down."

"Are you saying something?" I looked at her, frowning.

"Yes. I was. But it seems that you are in a different world."

"I am not."

"Yes, you are. What are you even thinking? Tell me."

"It's nothing." I waved my hand dismissingly at her, ignoring her pouted face. I again returns back to my wonderland, humming a song lowly.

"Come on. You are sitting here from the past hour. Let's go out."

"Liza, I don't want to go. You can go if you want. You don't have to be always with me, you know."

"Why are you like this?" A frustrated groan came from her throat. "I don't understand you. I don't know if anyone can understand you ever. Who? I mean who just sits on a place for hours after hour without saying a single word? What's going on your mind? Talk to me."

I stand up and smiles at her, following inside of the house, in a warm comfort. Liza didn't say anything, just seats in front of me, looking at my face.

"What are you looking at?" I can't but ask her.

"Why are you so lonely?" Her question caught me off guard.

"What?" I blinked back.

"Yes. Even when everyone is with you you always thinks yourself as lonely. Why? We are with you. Me, Ramu Kaka, and even those Italians...."

"They have names."

"I know, I know. They care about so much for you.... But you still... Still.... I didn't understand." She left a deep breath as I blankly looks at her.

"When did Mr. Oberoi called you last time?"

"A week ago."


"And what?"

"Jass! Was anything happened? With him?"

"No. Nothing happened. We talked, just that."

"When will he comes back?"

"I don't know the exact day, but they will be back very soon." I began to fumble with the bangles on my hand.

"Jass!" She suddenly grabs my wrist and I looks at her, her brows frowns.

"What...." I roughly pull back my hand without letting her finish her talking. The white coloured jade bangle loosen from my hand and stay behind in Liza's grip. She dropped it on her lap and leans over me, placing her palm on my forehead.

"Oh my God! Jass, you are burning up!" She shouts near my ear, making me literally jumps away from my seat.

"Liza, lower your voice."

"What?" She began to touch my head, check, nose while I tried to stop her jumping on from me. "You have fever and... From when?"

"It's nothing. It will go away soon." I shook her away from me.

" What's nothing? You have fever and we were sitting outside in all cold! How could you?" She sighs frustratingly. But even before I tried to protest she began to drag me with her.

"Liza.... "

"Not a word, not a word. You are going to bed like a good child. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, mom." I chuckles as she puts me on my bed and huffed.

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