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"We have to protect her please." Matteo growled.

Leonardo looked towards his wife, Adriana, who sat on the opposite end of the conference table letting silent tears trail down her face. Her eyes looked lost, debating about the situation in her head.

"HOW?" Valentino yelled at his brother.

"We need to figure it out because this is our baby right now," Alexandra spoke up.

Leonardo knew that his oldest was speaking the truth but just the thought of him not being able to protect his kids, especially the youngest. Makes him want to put a sword through his heart.

Adriana glanced at her family's face through her tear brimmed eyes, and knew what the right thing to do was. She knew what she was getting into when she married Leo, but just didn't expect for it to happen this quick.

"They are both rig-" Leo spoke before Stefano cut him off.

"You can't be serious papa!" Stefano growled.

"I am and we have no choice but to do what I have planned all along," Leo spoke in a whisper.

"And what must that be?" Adriana spoke in her sweet, angelic voice.

Leonardo gulped already hating the idea of what he is about to say, "We must make Aurora feel unwanted and send her away."

"WHAT!" All five kids shouted at the same time. None of them could believe what their papa just said. Their pride and joy. Their sorellina. Make her feel unwanted?

"SILENZIOSO" Leo growled to his family.

Adriana sobs filled the silent room knowing what must be done. Their plan must be started right away.

"mama, papa look and what I bwuilt!" Their little baby Aurora said.

She ran inside the room with a bright smile on her face. Completely oblivious to what must be done.

"What are you doing here?" Leo grumbled his voice deep. Never like Rosa has heard before.

"I thwought we could go to the pwark together?" Aurora said with tears brimming in her eyes.

"I never said that now go to your room!" Leo said trying to raise his voice.

"But pa-"

"What do you not understand?" Adriana yelled while glaring at her daughter. Aurora's eyes widened in fear. She has never seen her family like this. Tears brimmed her eyes, and they began to fall.

"I am sowwy mama. Rora bween a bwad girl. I'm sowwy." Aurora said while crying, and leaving the room.

Everyone's heart broke seeing their little bambina crying like that. "She's gonna hate us for the rest of her life." Valentino growled towards his entire family.

The next morning the entire family was dreading making their little baby leave.

It's only been one night since the yelling has started, and Aurora already hated it. Once everything was ready the entire family drove to one of Leo's good friends house, and they agreed to take her in.

When they arrived Adriana took Aurora out of the car and walked her up to the front porch.

Aurora was so engrossed in playing with the flowers she didn't even see her parents crying.

"Why are you weaving mama?" Aurora questioned in a whisper.

"Mama and Papa must leave." Leo said while trying to hold back his tears.

Jenny Walker picked up Aurora and tried hugging her.

"NO NO NO!" Aurora yelled. She watched her parents walk down the driveway with all her siblings. They didn't look back and just drove off.

She didn't care if her parents or siblings hated her, she just wanted to be with teo and valen.

She didn't want to be Left Behind.

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