Chapter # 6 First Move

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Mina's POV ***
Im here in front of Chaeyoung's main door. I don't know what brings me here. Ahh maybe she will think that im a weird woman?

I bring some cooked food with me. I ask Chaeyoung's apartment number from yuta.

And he told me that he won't be able go home today. He wanna stay at his friend's house today.

Soo i just let him he is grown boy anyway. He knows how to manage his self.

I didn't ring the door bell because maybe she is sleeping. I just knocked the door. If she heard its fine. Otherwise i will go back.

Surprisingly she open the door. She was just just wearing a boxer short and Calvin Klein sports bra. She is totally looks like a boy.

She was surprised when she saw me in front of her door.

"miss myoui??"

"ohh... Can i?" i ask her if i can enter

"of course please" she gave me space to go inside her apartment. Waahh its looks cool. Soo clean and its arranged nicely. There is soo many drawings on the wall

"miss please take a seat and give me a second" she said i nod she went inside her room and within seconds she came out wearing a mint green oversize t-shirt.

"take this" i offer her tiffin box. She took it from me.

"ohh thank you soo much miss" she is keep calling me miss miss. Its makes me uncomfortable. Can't we be friends?? I guess age is doesn't matter to be a someone's friend.

"can ypu stop calling me miss miss" i said to her she looked at me with big eyes

"then how i will??"

"can we be friends?" i ask

"fre.. Friends?" she is stuttering

"yes.. Can we?" i offer my hand. She immediately take it

"yes we can"

"soo call me mina. I don't feel comfortable when you calling me miss miss" i said she chuckled. She is adorable.

"ohh okay.. Soo mina what you doing here in this hour?" she ask. When she call me mina i feel better. Feels like we are close

"ohh to give that" i point at the food.

"you could send it with yuta. Its late night right" she said really?? She doesn't want me to be here?

"its late night yes. How could i send a boy in a girl's room at this time. And anyway he is out" i said she chuckled

"first time i see you looks cute. She said and hold my cheek from her palm. Here we go again my heart is crazy

I stand from the seat immediately and walk around the room. The something catches my eyes.

" you taking alcohol? "i ask its a wine stand. There is soo many kind of wine on it.

" ohhh actually yes.. I have sleeping problems. Soo i use to take some before i go to the bed"she said.

"really?? This is not allowed chaeyoung. You are still under age. Is your parents knows about this?"

"yes my father do. He was the one buy me this things" she said. Waaahhh really?? What a father. He helped chaeyoung to be like this.

"why don't you try to take medicine instead of this alcohol?" i ask she smile

"i don't drink whole bottles mina. Its just a one glass every night"

"even though its a one sip its still alcohol" i said she smile. She came to me and hold my both hands.

"why you laughing?" i ask

"because im happy"

"happy?? Happy because of what??"

"because after years and years there is someone who nagging me. Even my father didn't do that to me. He always supporting me. He never say no to me" she said and smile. In that smile i can see sadness.

She must missed her family too. She is still young and living alone is a hard thing. I know how its feels like being alone.

"i know its rude but i wanna ask.. Wanna have drink?" she ask me. I sigh its not a bad idea but she is still under age.

Since her father knows about it i guess it will not be problem. I nodded as okay.

She stand immediately and walked to the wind stand. She chose a red wine bottle and came with two glasses, some almond.

She keep those on the small table that in front of us and sat beside me..

"wanna watch something??" she ask me.

"ohh i saw there was a thai movie trailer.. What it's call?? Mmm ah maid.. Its horror. I wanna watch it but im scared to watch it alone" i said.

I really wanna watch it but im really scared of horror movies. But still i was curious about the movie

"okey i guess it will be in Netflix let me check "she search it in the Netflix and yes there is it. We found it. She open the movie

she poured some wine in to the glasses and gave me.

" thank you "i said. I took a sip from the wine ahhh its soo strong. But taste is soo sweet. It doesn't taste awful. I took another sip while watching.

We don't talk while watching because we were focusing on the movie. But when some scary scenes came i just close my eyes.

She hold me hand and intertwined our fingers. I look at her but she is focusing on movie. Soo i did the same. At least i feel bit les scared because im holding her hand.

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