Chapter # 21

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Chaeyoung's POV ***

Ahh im trying to put plaster on my neck while checking it from my mobile camera before anyone see.

Ahh i don't know how many i should put. Because mina gave me soo many love marks on my neck. Im not complaining.

Because the things we did yesterday was amazing. I never thought that she will show me heaven like that. She was just woow its soo hot.

Thinking of that makes me shy. When i woke up she wasn't at home. She make breakfast for me before she leave.

What a lucky me. But when i reached school i was late. And i didn't see my angel.

"what is that?" somi grabbed my plaster that i was about to put on the hickey. She lean down and focus on my neck. While pulling down my collar.

"stop it" i slap her hand and fix my collar.

"what was that?"

"ohh?? It i got allergy" i lie.

"allergy??you??" she chuckled.

"it doesn't looks like from allergy. It's looks like..."

"ahh leave me alone" i said and lay my head on the table then close my eyes.

"who is that?" she ask me i just stay silent.

" i ask you something who is that?" she pull me from my collar.

"yahh" i just slapped her arm. Same time my life saver came.

It's mina. It's her class time. She came to the class with big smile.

Im smiling like stupid. She keep staring at me, i did the same.

I just put my left hand to help my chin and keep staring at her. I can't get enough from her. I want this all students to be disappear.

Only me and her. Ahhh suddenly i head loud bang and i look at somi. She stand up ant walk out from the classroom.

Mina look at her she was about to talk to somi but she didn't even show respect to mina. What the heck man.

I look at mina and follow somi. Mina didn't say anything i wish she won't ask fight with me again because of thi stupid.

"Yaaaah don't be like that" i said and give somi strawberry milkshake. She grabbed it but she didn't even look at me.

"Yahh jeon somi"

"what? What? What you want just go"

"okey okay i will tell you" i don't wanna fight. We were friends long time now.

Soo i guess i shouldn't keep secrets. But telling her that im having relationship with mina is dangerous.

"i got a girl" when i said that she gave me surprised look.

"you what?"

"i have a girlfriend" i repeat

"since when?"

"almost it's been a three months now." when i said that she sigh.

"who is that, is she with us? Do i know her?" she keep asking.

"ohh no she is not here with us. And you don't know her. Soon i will introduce her to you" i just lie. I don't know when i can do that.

"soo you were in fight with her that's why you stayed in my place" when she ask that i nodded shyly. She released heavy sigh.

She looks disappointed. But what to do i just did what is right.

We talked much since Mina's period was done i can't see her until the break.

Ahhh i need energy. Somi went back to her art class. I need to go also. But im feeling lazy and sleep.

I should just wash my face first. I walk to the washroom no one was there i splash water on my face to erase this sleep.

"what you guys talked until my period done." I checked my back from the mirror. Of course it was my goddess.

I took tissue and dried my face and hands. I walked to her and kiss her without answering.

She kiss me back and started roaming her hands on my back. I immediately un button her button on her and i slipped my hand inside her long jeans. She moaned in to my mouth.

"someone will come" she whisper between our kiss.

"let them" i tangled my hand in to her hair and pulled her head back, earning a moan.

"honey someone will hear us" she repeat. I sigh

"okey then i will stop it"i moved from her. She gave me one last smack on my lips. The she fix her clothes.

" angry? "she ask me leaning towards my face. Because i was just looking down at the floor.

Im not and actually. It's just you know. We were in middle of something and she said that we should stop. Soo..

" no im not"i said without looking at her.

"hey don't you think here it's dangerous to do something like that? Ah?" she ask me again.

"i know i know. I understand okay.. Now let's move" i said and one of my classmate came to the washroom. Soo both of us was silent. She left before me. I guess i was rude to her. I can apologize after school.

Mina's POV ***

Did she just shout at me?. Im in deep thought while bitting my pen. Ahh did i make her angry?

Ahhhh minaaa. She is still kid and sha can be bold but you are adult. Ahh i don't know.

I heard knock on the door.

"come in" when i said door was open. It was chaeyoung.

She reach my table without giving eye contact. Her actions make me smile. She is the only person who can makes me smile like this.

She always compliments me. She is a great human. That's why i love this human.

"im sorry" she said i just look at her. She look at me finally. Looks like she is hiding something behind her.

"please forgive me" she took flowers from behind her.and offer it to me. It was  yellow lily flowers. I love it.

And its from the person that i love the most. I stand up from my chair and i took the flowers from her.

"why you apologize?" i ask looking at her.

"i shouldn't react like that" she said

"you acting like a adult. Like a romantic adult" i said while smiling. She smile too.

"only to you" she said. Im glad that she is only mine


Hey hey heyyyyy... You're bad author is back with a short chapter. I really don't have ideas guys. Im think if i will unpublished this story. 🤔🤔

Im thinking im putting too much smut on this story also should i stop doing that?

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