Chapter # 17 Mature ⚠️⚠️

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Chaeyoung's POV ***
"Yahh jeon somi don't do like that again" i shout at somi

"don't do what?" she stopped and look at me.

"this.. Don't do this in front of her" i said looking at her hands. Her hands still on my waist.she gave me suspicious look.

"is there something going on between you two?" she ask me. I don't think i can tell her.

"no.. It's notblike that. She is a teacher. Soo it's not good to behave like that in front of her" i said. She chuckled.

"i thought that you having a affair with her" she said without hesitating. I just ignored whatever she said. We walk to the cafeteria.

Oh boy now Everyone was looking at us. That makes me uncomfortable. I withdraw my hand from her.

"let's walk like this" i said when she looked at me.

"why would be?" she said and she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. Ahh this girl is soo bold.

What if this students make rumors about me and her. Mina gonna kill me. I know somi doesn't have feelings about me.

But even though people don't know about our friendship.

"soo where we will sit?" when she said i look around to find a table. My friends saw me and waves me happily but when they saw somi their facial expression changed.

I knew that they don't like her. But she never do harmful things to me. It's just her attitude. I can't do anything about that.

"ohh your friends are their. Maybe we can join" she said and hold my hand. She took lead to the table.

"anyong guys" somi waves at them and sit beside momo and dahyun. They don't have choice they greet her. Somi pull me to sit beside her.

We eat our breakfast in the cafeteria while taking some random things. Somi talks too much. But my friends they don't give much attention to her stories.

"soo what about the annual trip guys. You guys going?" dahyun ask

"already??? Already they announced about the annual trip?" i ask. Because i didn't know about it. And time fly soo fast.

"where this time tbey planning to go?" i ask munching my food.

"i guess they will bring us for camping in mountain side" dahyun reply

"woow it will be soo romantic ro the lovers, right chaeyoungie" somi said i almost choked my food. Dahyun and momo looked at me.

"what with that look?" i ask with irritating voice. I drink my strawberry milkshake. Without minding them. I just look around.

Something catches my eye. It was mina. She was talking to our MATHS teacher. He is soo flirty. And she is laughing with him. Like they know each other for long time.

"yahh you're clothes are dirty" momo shout. But i don't know to who.i keep staring at mina. It's bothering me.

"yahh chaeyoung ah you're clothes" dahyun tap my shoulder. That time i came back to reality. I looked at my jeans.

"shit shit shit.. What just happened" i shout while standing.all the strawberry milkshake is on my jeans. It's soo dirty. I took tissue and try to clean. But it won't work.

"wait guys i will just wash this and come.. I leave my backpack with them and walk to washroom. And i need to pass mina. I just walk near to her.

But i don't look at her. But i feel that she glance at me. I just ignore her. What their deal. Too much flirting with each other.

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