Chapter 5

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Bit of a shorter chapter today, but it's basically solely focusing on Matsukawa. Enjoy!

Matsukawa sat on his bed, leaning against the wall and slowly ate his sandwich, although he was hungry, he felt sick if he ate too quickly after smoking. None of his other roommates were there, so he hoped they stayed away until he was at least asleep. His dreams were crushed when Iwaizumi walked in with a box of pizza in his hand.

His expression turned to one of disgust as he looked at the taller, "You smell like shit, you better not have been smoking anything in my room."

Matsukawa rolled his eyes, "I didn't, fuck off, and this is my room too. Also, before you tell me to get out, I was here first, so, as I said already, fuck off."

Iwaizumi glared at him before turning around and slamming the door behind him.

The raven sighed and ran a hand through his curls, his phone suddenly ringing worsened his throbbing headache. He glanced down at the screen, barely being able to make out the Caller ID, a grimace appearing on his face once seeing the name.

Matsukawa Kaito is calling -

His younger brother by two years, a man who loathed his why was he now calling?


"Issei," the tone was cold and slightly made him feel unnerved.

"It's been a while since you've called me, come to ridicule and break me down again? I'm not dealing with that again, so if that's what you plan on doing, I'm hanging up," Matsukawa seethed, his hand clutching the phone tightly.

There was a laugh on the other end, "Oh Issei, weak as always. Just because physically you're big and strong, it doesn't mean shit when you're really a little pathetic family killer."

He clenched his jaw, squeezing the phone even tighter. Why didn't he just hang up? He couldn't. No matter how awful and strained his relationship was with Kaito, his little brother was literally the only family he had left. And perhaps, maybe what Kaito always says is true, maybe it really was his fault everyone died.

"Why are you calling Kaito?" he forced out.
"Apparently the fam's lawyer has been trying to contact you, but you won't answer. You fucking better though. I can't get any of the family fortunes until you sign that fucking document. But I guess I should thank you for murdering our precious little sister since now we split the money she was supposed to get."
"Don't you dare fucking talk about Ichika."

Tears pooled in the corners of his eyes and he took a deep breath.

"I can hear you about to cry like a little bitch. Why do you feel sad? You're the one that killed her."
"I didn't fucking kill her!!"





Anyway, so the roommates' siblings are going to have importance in the story. Canonically, Matsukawa has a younger brother and a younger sister. Hanamaki has an older sister and a younger sister and Oikawa has an older sister. Iwaizumi is an only child.

But as I said, since they have relevance and none of them are canonically named, I've given them names.

Younger Brother: Matsukawa Kaito
Younger Sister: Matsukawa Ichika

Older Sister: Hanamaki Akari
Younger Sister: Hanamaki Himari

Older Sister: Nao

Anyway, hoped you enjoyed hearing just the tip of the iceberg of his trauma

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