Damn super soldier serum

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Carson p.o.v
It's strange. I've been here two weeks and it already feels like home. Uncle Clint has been teaching me archery, Uncle Steve gave me pointers on punching, Aunt Nat's showing me how to shoot and throw daggers (that took some persuasion), Uncle Bruce has been showing me some pretty advanced science, Uncle Thor tells me stories from Asgard and dad is trying to act like a real daddy and so far he's doing great.
Loki is still here, but Tony is going to see Fury as Uncle Thor can't take him back to Asgard. I haven't seen him since I sneaked into his room and week ago, but I haven't been interested in going anyway.
"Carson, wake up," a voice muttered in my ear, as someone shook me awake, gently of course. I opened my eyes, it was Uncle Steve, I joined him for running on Monday's and Saturday's now. Fun. It actually wasn't that bad.
"I'm up, I'm up," I said, sitting up. I stretched and went get dressed in suitable running clothes. When I'd lived with my mother, I woke up early every morning and went for an run, I was in pretty good shape, but I definitely couldn't keep up with Uncle Steve, so in order to keep an eye on me, he had to slow down a little. He knew I could take care of myself, but he liked to be safe.
When we got back, everyone was there eating breakfast, minus Aunt Nat, she was on a mission. I'd already sorted the new security system for S.H.I.E.L.D so Fury was quite pleased with me, though I did cheek him a little. It's not my fault, I'm following the Avengers examples.

Clint p.o.v 
Carson and Steve had just come back from their run, Carson looked tired while Steve seemed fine. Damn super soilder serum.
I continued to think about Fury's idea. He'd requested for me and Nat to talk to the others and Carson about it, but we weren't sure, neither of us wanted to risk her safety. But then again, it's risked just by knowing us.
Nat on the other hand, had decided that it was a definite yes and was going to bring it up when she got back tomorrow. I had to be 100% on my choice in the matter. Knowing Tony, if just one of us went against the idea, he'd shut it down. If it was down to me, I wanted to make the right decision. But what was it?

*The next day*

Nat p.o.v
I was back from my mission and it was time to tell the others Fury's idea. I hoped that they'd all agree.
I had Jarvis bring everyone into the lab.
"Before I left for my mission, Fury requested that Clint and I ask you all something," I started, going straight to the point. "He wants Carson to train as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent,"
Instantly Tony said no, but to my surprise Thor supported the idea.
"It would mean she could protect herself in dangerous situations, she lives with the Avengers, she's at risk,"
"But if she trains as an agent she'll be going on life-risking missions like Nat, Clint and Steve,"
"But Fury wouldn't send her on a mission until she's much older and ready,"
"She could still easily get herself killed,"
We all turned to look at Carson, she didn't look happy. Probably cause we were talking about her like she wasn't even here. She does hate that.
"I want to," she stated. Tony started to speak, but Carson wasn't having it. "Dad, I want to, plus the positives far outweigh the negatives,"
"But what if you got hurt, I know it's selfish, but I hate the idea of you in pain, it hurts me,"
"That's not selfish, it means you care," she argued. "Plus it's not like I'd enjoy if I got hurt, but when the time comes, Fury will know what I can handle and he'll send me on missions with a team or partner most likely, I wouldn't be alone,"
"She'd also have been trained by us as well," Clint pointed out. Tony looked up and sighed.
"You're all sure?" He asked. We all nodded. He looked at Carson again. "Okay, you can train to be an agent,"
"Yes!" Carson squealed, celebrating.
"But she's still living here, right?" Steve checked.
"Of course," I answered. This was going to be fun.

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