Blink twice if you need me to kill off Stark

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Carson p.o.v
"'Hey kid,'! You dissappear without a warning to that S.H.I.E.L.D place, which by the way you kept a secret from me, join a team of superhereos and then FLY INTO A FREAKING WORMHOLE WITH A NUKE and show up after a whole week of no news and all you say is 'hey kid' what the hell is wrong with you!" I screamed, really letting Tony have it. "And you even brought your boy band with you to protect yourself, seriously?" The entire group stared at me in shock. 
"Err, boy band?" Asked Black Widow, Natasha I believe.
"You can be their manager if you want, Widow," I said, sarcasm dripping from my tongue. I'm normally not this ill-tempered, but everyone has their moments.
"Look kid, I'm sorry okay, I should have explained properly instead of leaving you in the dark, please forgive me," Tony begged, evidently shocking the rest of the team. I doubt he's apologised or begged in front of them before, Roger's jaw even dropped to the ground in surprise, while Banner just looked at Tony with a 'who are you and what did you do with my friend' expression.
"Urgh, your forgiven, only because I'm too lazy to hold a grudge," I said, begrudgingly. "But I wasn't in the dark, actually, S.H.I.E.L.D is suprisingly easy for me to hack,"
Despite Tony keeping S.H.I.E.L.D a secret from me, that wasn't why I was mad, I was mad because I thought he was going to die when he went through the wormhole. He maybe a huge jerk about 24/7, but I was actually scared I would lose him, he was practically family, but I couldn't say that because he probably didn't feel the same.
"You hacked S.H.I.E.L.D?" Hawkeye, or Clint asked in shock.
"What can I say, you guys need better security," I said, with a smirk identical to Tony's.
"Great, there's two of them now," the doctor, Bruce mumbled, sighing.
"Trust me, she's worse,"Tony muttered. The rest of the team looked at him eyebrows raised. He sighed and inclined his hand at me.
"Let's see, frosty the captain was here to shield you, spidey to hold me back, green bean to calm everyone down and the little birdie to find some amusement," I said, observing the team and putting their skills and personality traits into consideration, Nat and Bruce looked impressed, Steve and Clint, hilariously surprised. "And Thor is on Asgard because of the psychotic God," I added. Then I looked at Tony, a smug smile on my face. "How did I do?"
"Ten out of ten, as usual," Tony said, smirking as always. He turned back to his team. "She's kind of a child prodigy, absolute genius,"
"Who are you?" Asked frosty....sorry Captain America.
"Names Carson Mooney, don't worry I know who you all are," I answered, glancing at the team of superhereos, minus Thor, who, like I said, had already gone back to Asgard.
"Nice to meet you, you known Tony awhile now?"
"Is he making you befriend him to look good in front of the press? Blink twice if you need me to kill off Stark," joked Clint, forcing a small giggle out of me as I blinked twice, Clint smirked and Tony glared, I just innocently grinned. 
"Known him for two years now..."

Flashback-two years ago
Tony's p.o.v 
My press conference had just ended and I was in had decided to go for a walk in central park. I stopped and sat on a bench  near a lake, before a small kitten scurried under my  seat.
"Jade, come back!"
I turned to see a small girl, about five, rushing towards me.
"Excuse me, did you see a small kitten anywhere?" She asked desperately, tears protruding out of the corners of her eyes. I wondered where her mother was for a moment, but decided that I should  focus on the kid.
"She just dived under my bench," I said, kneeling down to pull the cat out, I handed her back to the kid. "What's your name, kid?" I asked.
"Carson and your Tony Stark aren't you?" She asked, grinning while  hugging her cat to her chest.  I grinned back.
"I am, it's nice to meet you Carson,"
Present day
"...and we've been friends ever since, though he's a pain in the butt, seriously Clint whenever you're ready,"

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