This wasn't suppose to happen

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"Goodmorning chan" seungcheol greeted the latter who was watering the flowers outside their cafe.

His bubblegum pink hair flew everywhere due to the wind his apron reaching his toes from how short he is.

"good morning hyung!" chan greeted happily.

Seungcheol smiled before entering the cafe, the same annoying bell ringing.

"goodmorning everyone" seungcheol greeted happily as he was greeted by a chinese male who's eyes resembles a cat.

"good morning hyung"

Seungcheol smiled.

"Mornin Junnie" he cooed as he pinched the latters cheeks.

Jun giggled as he scrunched his nose making seungcheol coo at the adorable male.

Soon seungcheol hummed to himself as he then entered the locker room.

He had been working for nearly 3 years in Coffee Grinds, it was his last year in college ans it was near his apartment so he took the job offer.

Soon he graduated and decided to keep the Job because of how nice they were to him, he was like their family.

As cheesy as is sounds these guys were actually seungcheol's first friends.

"how was daegu"

Seungcheol shrieked at the sudden voice but calmed down once he saw his best friend and platonic lover.

"jiiihoooonieeee" seungcheol squealed as he bear hugged the younger male who despite being a foot smaller was able to carry the older.

" did you gain weight you're getting kinda hea—"

Seungcheol immediately grabbed jihoon by the hair as he threw him towards the wall causing a large crack to appear at the perfectly yellow wall.

"why you—" he clenched his fist.

"this is why you don't comment on somebody's weight jihoonie" a new voice entered the room

Jihoon who was stuck to the wall looked at the new person who entered the room.

"didn't seungkwan pulled an uppercut on you because you said he looked like a boiled egg"

"he did" soonyoung fake cried.

"he also threatened to peel my face with a vegetable peeler if he ever sees me again"

Seungcheol and jihoon looked at the male unamused, typical soonyoung always in seungkwan's throat.

Kwon Soonyoung and Lee Jihoon, the two were the first person seungcheol was actually close to, they were the peiple who teached seungcheol how to actually make good coffee.

The two were a match made in heaven, jihoon was as calm as the sea while soonyoung was loud and annoying.

And that trait was the reason the so called male was always being hit in the head either with a coffee mug or a spoon.

"GUYS!" a loud crash followed by footsteps was heard from outside.

Seungcheol opened the door and there stood Kim Mingyu and Jeon Wonwoo.

Seungcheol's otp.

"what's up with you two?" seungcheol asked.

Mingyu laughed lightly as he pushed seungcheol outside the locker room.

"I'm just gonna talk to jihoonie and soonie hyung" he said with a crumpled and awkward smile as wonwoo walked past him to the room with a poker face.

Seungcheol looked at him weirdly but didn't question it any further.

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