Welcome Home

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Seungcheol groaned as he opened his eyes feeling a sharp pain through his hip.

"woah calm down" he felt big hands hold his back as he sat him up.

Soon his vision sharpen and he looked at the voice.

"gyu? what happened?" he asked as he looked around.

Big windows decorated the walls with big red curtains he was in a bed so big he can fit 10 people in it.

The room doesn't seem too different the walls painted an obnoxious rusty gold, paintings from popular artists hanged from the walls.

"don't freak out hyung" mingyu bit his lip.

"but you were shot"

That must've been shocking for seungcheol because his eyes immediately widen as he looked at mingyu.

"wha-what?" he asked as he tried to stand up only to be pushed back down a groan escaping his lips as he felt pain on his lower abdomen.

"calm down hyung you're injured" mingyu softly said as seungcheol only groaned.

He closed hisneyes trying to remember what happened.

Two men with guns.


.... guns....


"w-where's everyone?!" seungcheol shot up ignoring the pain from his stomach.

"hyung!" mingyu tried to push seungcheol down but the latter didn't want to.

"n-no where's everyone, are they safe?" seungcheol stuttered tears brimming his eyes as he tried to get away from mingyu's grip.

Seungcheol was now sobbing and mingyu didn't know what to do other than sigh before sitting beside seungcheol on the large bed hugging his crying hyung.

"shhh it's okay hyung" mingyu hushed the older patting his back and rubbing his nape.

"they're all okay" he whispered letting seungcheol nuzzle his head onto mingyu's chest.

Mingyu sighed as he held onto seungcheol picking up the male being extra careful because of the fresh bullet wound on his stomach.

"where are we?" seungcheol asked as he looked around the big house as mingyu carried him down a grand staircase.

"it looks expensive" he mumbled as they walked along big wide halls filled with paintings of his coworkers they all looked different from their smiley faces when they were at the cafe.

This paintings where bland and black the others sported straight faces as they wore suits.

"here we are"

Mingyu plopped seungcheol down infront of a big tv he grabbed a cup of water and handed it to seungcheol.

"what are we doing?" seungcheol asked as he looked around.

Mingyu just shushed him as he opened the tv showing numerous videos names plastered on the top left corner of each slide.

"Where are we?" seungcheol heard chan's voice as mingyu pressed the slide which had the name dino on it.

"we're near daegu, you can see the top of Casa de la muerte" seungcheol then heard jisoo's voice.


Seungcheol and mingyu turned around too see jihoon walking out of a room a stethoscope around his neck rectangular glasses sitting perfectly on his nose.

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