The Dragon and The Crane

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"what in the—" seungcheol stood in the middle of a busy room clutching a big body pillow in his right arm mingyu beside him not bothered by the buzzing sound of numerous men who were entering helicopters and vehicles.

"goodmorning seungcheol"

Seungcheol looked to the left to see the others wearing coats and leather jackets.

He looked down on his pororo pajamas and sweat dropped.

"goodmorning" he greeted back.

"are you still sleepy hyung?" chan asked as he clinged to seungcheol's side.

"well not really, I did sleep early yesterday" he said as a matter of factly.

"nevertheless you can sleep in the jet while we land in France" jeonghan said.

"why are we going to France again?" seungcheol asked.

"because we have some business to do" jisoo answered.

"yeah but why do I have to come with you guys?" he asked curious as he followed them towards a golden jet.

"because you were seen with us while those men entered the cafe" seungkwan said.

"which means your life is in danger" chan continued.

"you don't need to worry hyung, we erased all your data so as of now choi seungcheol never existed" wonwoo said as seungcheol stared at them in awe.

"you guys" seungcheol said teary eyed as he looked at his friends.

They're all so grown up.

"but you do need to learn how to protect yourself" jihoon stated as they all took seats.

Seungcheol sitting beside the window mingyu beside him while jeonghan and Jisoo sat infront of him the four facing each other as a table divided them.

"can't you guys do that?" seungcheol questioned.

"well we won't always be by your side, you need to learn incase something bad happens" mingyu said as he nodded.

"how long till we arrive?" jeonghan asked jisoo.

"12 hours" jisoo answered.

He gazed at a sleepy seungcheol who was leaning onto mingyu's arm.

"I suggest you sleep for the mean time seungcheol" he said as he called one of their men, whispering something to his ears before disappearing.

"jisoo is right" jeonghan agreed.

"once we land on france it will get really hectic, we don't want to tire you out" he said concern in his voice.

Seungcheol yawned.

"I suppose you're right" he agreed as mingyu helped him reajust his seat so he can sleep comfortably.

The man from before came back again holding a carton of strawberry milk.

"here you go" jisoo said as he handed the beverage to the older seungcheol letting out a small thank you before drinking the whole thing and immediately falling asleep.

The rest looked at the older before facing each other.

"really hyung?" chan said.

"rohypnol?" he tsked.

jisoo shrugged.

"we need him passed out, and there's no way we can do that without physical hurting him"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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