A start of Something new

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Seungcheol opened his eyes at the noise from outside.

It's been a whole week since he came here and learned about his coworkers secret organisation.

He was still confused but it was better to not get accommodated to their deadly business.

He slowly sat up looking around before going out of his bed to the big gigantic window to see all the fuss.

"LEE CHAN" he saw soonyoung shout as chan was running around holding a hose water spilling everywhere including jun and minghao who were also outside.

"what in the" seungcheol was cut off when the door suddenly opened.

There Seungkwan Seokmin and Vernon stood.

"good morning hyung" seungkwan greeted as seungcheol smiled back.

"good morning" he said softly.

He then pointed outside.

"what are they doing?" he asked as seungkwan stood beside him looking out the window.

"ohh they're cleaning the helicopters" seungkwan said as seungcheol looked at him sweat dropped.

"helicopters....?" he muttered and seungkwan nodded as if having 3 helicopters wasn't a big deal.

"seungkwan" vernon called as seungkwan gasped.

"oh right" he snapped his finger grabbing seungcheol's arm pulling him out the room.

"we're having breakfast hyung" he said as the three lead seungcheol out the room towards an outdoor garden.

There inside a big gazeboo was seen and a table set with bread and biscuits along with tea and coffee.

"is this a tea party?" seungcheol asked hismelf as seungkwan set him down on a chair.

"good morning" seungcheol looked up and there jisoo and jeonghan who was fresh from bed their hair tangled which made him laugh

"goodmorning seungcheol" the two said as they sat beside him.

"did you aleep well" jisoo asked as he grabbed a peice of bread stuffing it into his mouth.

Seungcheol nodded.

"the room is too big" he said as he looked at the chinese tea cup and plates that was infront of him.

'these look expensive'

"we'll move you to another one" jeonghan said.

"preferably next to ours incase something bad happens" he said as seungcheol nodded.

Soon the table was filled with 13 boys all of them talking and eating chating about the current events happening inside the mafia world in which seungcheol knew nothing about.

"are you finished?" jeonghan beside him asked as he nodded.

"seungkwan, seokmin, hansol take hyung to his room" jeonghan called as the three nodded.

Seungcheol pouted.

"why can't I listen to you guys?" he asked as he crossed his arms.

"I'm 25 already you know" seungcheol said as jeonghan chuckled.

"yes we know that but we're going to be talking about work"he said.

" I want to listen "seungcheol pursue.

Jeonghan sigh how can he say no to him.

" how about we show you around, hyung? " seokmin said as he grabbed seungcheol's arm pulling him awya before he can argue.

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