Chapter 8-Trial and Error

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"There is enough of this petty arguing."

Nobunaga looked down upon his court, all gathered before him. 

"All of you are dismissed."

Protests break out all across the court, as their lord has not served justice. Akira can hear Hideyoshi's protest as well, along with Ieyasu's mumbling of 'finally'. He had taken a seat beside her after he dressed her wounds. She suspected that Ieyasu wasn't normally close to people, but he was squeezing her hand all the same. It was a desperate hold, and the only reason she let him touch her. Well, that and it calmed her down too. The panic eased from her mind as she clutched his hand just as hard.

The demon lord had turned his back to his subjects, not listening to their outbursts. Eventually, they gave in to their leader's order. They would not disobey him. Something to note. They filed out, but it was slow-they didn't want to leave him alone without this matter resolved. But they complied. Akira did too.

Or at least she tried.

Ieyasu had a firm grip on her arm-the wrist-and would not let her up. His protectiveness was cute, and because of his clear determination to keep her there, she stayed. She also noticed Ieyasu's ears, which had turned red. At this point with Ieyasu and his protection, she allowed herself to relax. After all, this was one of the three unifiers of Japan.

It was strange, being relaxed with a man she hardly knew. Then again, her panic was strange too. Normally she was pretty calm. The new environment and people had made her too wary. Ieyasu squeezed her hand tighter. She turned her head to see what he was looking at and-


It was Hideyoshi, and his face was furrowed in a way that Akira couldn't tell what he was feeling. Seemingly, he was feeling a cross between anger, and concern.

"What the hell?! You got injured and didn't say anything? If not to us, then to a physician who could treat you!" He moved closer with each sentence, and Ieyasu opened his mouth to speak. Before he could however, Akira stood, and put herself right in between them.

"Why? Well, it's because you don't trust me. Why would it have mattered? This incident will end with my punishment for the assault of your soldiers." Akira sighs. "You must really learn to think, Hideyoshi. I was doomed from the start." Ignoring his gaping face, Akira instead turns to Nobunaga, who has been staring at them all the while. "I will take my leave." Instead of answering, he watches in silence. Unusual for this man. She takes it as a sign of his permission. Taking her first few steps backwards, she then spins on her heel, and walks out. Faintly she can hear Nobunaga say something, but not to her.

Throughout the halls the whispers and rumors swirl like leaves in the wind. Akira does her best to not listen, only catching a few words here and there. Still, she hated it. The pull and push of distrust was frustrating. Sure, she had a few friends scattered across the country so she wasn't entirely on her own, but this... well it was aggravating. She wanted so badly to trust these people to have a connection with them because they had offered a home to her, a way to stop her running-hell even protection. But once someone turned on her...

Her sharp inhale brought her back to reality. It wasn't good to stay angry, especially at things out of her reach. She tried her best to let it go as she continued her stroll through the halls of Azuchi castle.

When she finally turns down the hall that leads to her room, she halts. It was the guards again. Still looking for a fight it seemed. Strangely, this hallway was clear of everyone but them. Well more like a coincidence.

Akira didn't believe in coincidence.

Published July 4th, 2021

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