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A/N: I wrote this during my lunch break. There is a very very real chance it makes zero sense. Just go with it okay? Feel free to let me know if you hate this but do it nicely? Thanks in advance and without further ado.... this.

(A/N 2: I fixed it a lil with the help of some anon pals {you know who you are I love you so much} maybe now it makes a touch more sense?)

It had been three months since Mrs. Lauren Lopez walked in on her first day of teaching high school English, ready for the trouble ahead. She was so turned around trying to find the principal's office, wadding through the hallways, air thick with a mix of Axe attempting to mask BO and various fruity Bath and Body works scents. Students all around her setting up their lockers, hugging, catching up about their summers, and generally blocking the walkway making it more difficult to maneuver then normal. She turned a corner she could swear she had turned thrice already. Her mind was both determined to find her location and distracted with first day jitters that she hadn't seen the man before walking directly into him causing her to fall to the ground. She didn't even get to look to the offending opposition before she could hear the whispers and snickering behind her by some of who she assumed to be her new students as the mystery man's hand was outstretched to assist in lifting her from the ground. She looked up to him and she couldn't believe her luck. She'd first noticed his deep brown eyes looking so kindly at her, followed quickly by his hair which looked very soft and shiny, practically begging to be played with and finally the smile that had formed and concern melting away when realizing she was alright.

She watched him do a peripheral glance around and followed his gaze to a group of students that had seen her fall and were stood watching the rest of this interaction unfold. He cleared his throat, shaking the hand that still remained in hers before introducing himself.

"I'm Joey Richter. I teach history. You look lost and new. Not to mention stunning." He chuckled turning red realizing what he said only after it slipped out. She raised an eyebrow at him smirking as he tried to overcorrect a little too loudly. "I mean uhh you just don't look familiar and you look uniquely different from other people I've met and I didn't-"

She laughed, slipping her hand out of his, the band of her ring scratching against his fingertip.

"Lauren Lopez. You're right I am new and completely turned around. I am supposed to start teaching English today. I'm looking for Principal Levinson's office, if you know where I can find that?" She asked sweetly attempting to help dig this man out of the wildly uncomfortable situation he had publicly set them into.

He nodded and walked alongside her chatting the whole way the two stealing glances the whole way looking at one another with such love like they were the only ones in the hallway. They finally reached the office moments before the first bell rang. Students hurried past them trying not to be late on their first day and he looked into her eyes again and said almost in a whisper, "good luck." She smiled to herself walking through the doorway.

It didn't take long for rumors about the new English teacher and the history teacher to set off. It didn't matter they were both married, and had different last names, the students that had seen the interactions that day had assured the rest of the student body there was something there and they were determined to find out what it was.


She tried to settle her rowdy 7th period class but they were too busy bustling about having just come from a school wide assembly about bullying and filled with the energy that only exists during the class before going home. She was getting nowhere fast and was about a minute shy of calling it a free period when a girl raised her hand.

"Mrs. Lopez, for our free writing assignment, I'm having trouble finding inspiration to start my story so how did you meet your husband?" Lauren looked up to her class that seemed to silence almost instantly waiting with baited breath to see what she had to say.

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