Chapter 1

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y/n's p.o.v.

I plopped down on the couch, groaning exaggeratedly to annoy my step brother and get his attention. I could see his narrowed eyes peer at me from behind his book. I tried my best not to smile and laugh and continued to annoy him. After a few more groans, I felt something hard hit my head.

"Did you just hit me with a book?!"

"I did, now shut up." He opened his book and extended his legs so they were over my lap.

I rubbed the spot on my head he hit and pinched his calf. "That's mean, Keiji. You're supposed to be nice to your sister," I quipped, no longer fighting his long limbs on my body.

"I refuse to be nice to you," Keiji said blankly, blue eyes scanning the page.

I cursed him under my breath only to receive harsh words mumbled back to me. We insulted each other back and forth, not realizing the front door had opened and closed. 

A dramatic sigh was heard from the living room entrance.

"Why do our children have such foul mouths?" my step dad said, covering his face in his hands. Mom giggled from beside him, her arms wrapped around his torso. 

Keiji and I looked at them with wide eyes and red ears at having been caught cussing each other out. 

"H- Hey, Dad," we said in unison, giving sheepish smiles. 

"Aw, I can't even be mad. You're both too cute!" 

He came over and kissed my forehead and ruffled Keiji's hair. My mom laughed at the way he smiled goofily and came over to place kisses on both mine and Keiji's cheeks. 

The four of us were in the living room while our parents told us about their morning so far and their plans for the afternoon. Keiji and I sat on one couch and they sat opposite of us on another, Keiji's dad with his arm around my mom.

I admired the relationship my mother and my stepfather shared. It was strange at first, seeing my mom with someone who wasn't my birth father. But she's so much happier now, and so am I. 

We live well in Tokyo. Four years ago when my mom married Keiji's dad, we moved out of our apartment into their two story house. I'd only known Keiji for about a month when we finished moving in, meeting him a week before the wedding. We surprisingly got really close really quickly, even though he was the exact opposite of his sweet and extroverted dad. Not that Keiji wasn't nice, he definitely was, but not so openly kind. And he was always pretty introverted from what I've seen and heard. 

After they told us their plans, Keiji and his dad started talking about volleyball. I glanced at my mom, seeing her smiling fondly at the two boys.

"Hey, it's noon," I said to her, tapping my stepbrother's leg. 

Keiji moved his legs off of me, looking at my mom. "Did you take any of the meds yet?"

"I made sure she took the pill but she's missing the injection," my step dad said, getting up. "We should do that now."

"Oh, you guys keep talking. I got it," I assured, standing myself and nodding at my mom. "Come on."

We walked over to the kitchen and I opened the cabinet that held all of our prescription and over the counter medications. I prepared the injection and alcohol wipe before motioning for Mom to come over. 

"You didn't put your appointment tomorrow on the calendar," I mumbled, cleaning the site and pinching her skin to put the injection in.

"Because I knew you and your father would never forget." She winced as I pulled the injection away and pressed my fingers to her skin. "Be gentler, would ya?"

Did You Forget? {c. ennoshita x fem!reader}Where stories live. Discover now