Chapter 4

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y/n's p.o.v.

I splashed the strikingly cold water on my face, sputtering out the bit that fell into my mouth. 

My hands were shaking as I pressed a paper towel to my face, careful not to smudge too much of anything. As carefully as I could, I wiped my under eyes to make sure any makeup applied in the area wasn't running or looked messy.

I was so frustrated I bolted out of the cafeteria, not bothering to tell any of my 'friends' where I was going. I couldn't handle hearing people go on and on about me for literally no reason.

I took deep breaths, leaning against the bathroom sink. The last day of my first year couldn't be any worse. 

I ignored the buzzing sound coming from my phone that sat in the pocket of my blazer, kicking the material even farther away from me. I definitely do not want to talk to anybody right now. 

I heard voices approaching the restroom, the sound of their shoes thumping in the hall signaling they were close by. I kept a blank face as they walked in.

"Your phone's ringing," a nasally voice said. 

I visibly cringed when I recognized who it was. The voice belonged to one of the girls that confidently called me a slut in front of everyone. Seriously, a slut? I haven't even kissed anyone!

 "Is it? Didn't know," I said flatly, reaching down to pick up my blazer. 

"Obviously you wouldn't, nothing much is up there anyway," she snickered, coming up behind me and tapping my head. Her friends behind her laughed obnoxiously, encouraging her antics. 

I slapped her hand away harshly. "Don't fucking touch me," I snarled. "Why the hell are you bothering me?"

Damn it, I should have just walked out.

Her eyes narrowed at me and she straightened herself up. "I thought it'd be good to put you in your place."

"And what exactly is my place?" I scoffed, also standing up to my full height. I smirked when I saw I was taller, despite her being older than me.

"Wipe that smile off your face, bitch, or I'll do it for you."

There was an almost deafening knock on the door that made us all flinch. It swung open but nobody walked in. Rather, a booming voice said, "Everybody out! Now!"

We all stayed still until the voice commanded us to leave once again. I walked out first, draping my blazer over my forearm and dropping my head. 

"L/N-san, please stand beside Matsuoka-kun," the principal said in a calm tone. 

I looked up to see Rin, suddenly feeling choked up. He gently pulled me next to him, rolling down my sleeves silently and then helping me put on my blazer. While he did this, the principal scolded the three girls, sending them to wait outside of his office. 

I swallowed the lump in my throat, following behind the principal to his office. I sat down on the chair right in front of his desk, leaning into Rin's hands on my shoulders. This is so stupid. I want to go home.

The principal cleared his throat, setting his glasses down and rubbing his temples. "I would like to begin by apologizing at having failed you, L/N-san."

"You don't have to-"

He held up his hand to stop me from continuing. He pulled a voice recorder from his pocket. Without saying anything, he pressed play.

I was embarrassed, to say the least. 

The audio began from when the girl made the comment that basically called me stupid, stopping when she called me a bitch. I went red in the face at hearing the slap of me hitting her hand away and the sound of me cussing at her. 

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