Chapter 9

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*6 years ago*

Y/N  flops back on the couch, arms clutched around her stomach as she  laughed at the joke her best friend just told. 

The air was warm and slightly humid, the inside of the house not being much different from the outside. A thin layer of  sweat  covered both kids, but neither seemed to care much. They spent the day together, from breakfast at Ennoshita's, to early afternoon now at Y/N's, where Y/N's mother had just begun to cook lunch.

Y/N  rushes to the door when she hears the rhythmic knock she's grown familiar with, excitedly announcing her mom's boyfriend had just arrived. She's excited to introduce his son to her best friend. Maybe they could all be friends! The boy was shy, and so was her friend, but she had a feeling it was a nothing short of a genius plan to acquaint them. 

"Hey, kiddo!"

Y/N smiles at the greeting and gives the man a warm hug, calling her mother over her shoulder. The smile turns sneaky as she spots Keiji behind his father. Without much of a greeting towards the boy, Y/N reaches out to grab his hand and drags him to the couch Ennoshita is sitting at patiently. 

Just as she predicted, both boys were a bit shy and awkward, but luckily, it didn't take long before they were all giggling and enjoying themselves. Right when the kids were about to head into the backyard to catch bugs, Y/N's mom walks into the room. They aren't sure if it's the look on her face, or the look on Akaashi's father's face that makes the mood immediately shift.

From then on, things moved quickly. Suddenly, the L/N family of two was joining the Akaashi family in Tokyo every weekend, sometimes the trip continuing on to weekdays. It's not a bad time by any means, but Y/N can't help missing the rural land, the fresh smell of grass as opposed to the smell of window cleaner on the city streets. She can't help but whine about missing out on plans with her school friends and club activities. She can't help but shed quiet tears in car rides because she once again broke her promise of spending time with her best friend in the world.

Y/N wakes with a slight pounding in her head. As soon as she sits up, she's hit with the memory of the events of the previous day, as well as the memories of her life six years ago. She's irritated suddenly for having picked up her life once again. Leaving behind loved ones for the second time. At the thought of having to start over in a place she called home for 10 years.

No use in second thoughts now, huh? She was given the chance to stay in Tokyo and visit on the weekends, but that didn't feel right. Though, nothing really felt right.

Y/N takes the time to look around her room. She left most everything untouched besides the desk in her room. She cringes slightly at the childish decor, though the cringe subsided when she saw certain items.

A skateboard Chikara had gotten for the two of them, that Y/N eventually kept because the younger version of him couldn't stand on that thing no matter how many times he tried.

A blanket, neatly folded atop a storage ottoman that Y/N kept from her weeks long stay at the Ennoshita residence. She had initially left it in Chikara's mom's room, not wanting to keep such a beautiful and comfortable item. But she had no choice when she found out the older woman made it by hand just for her.

A box of soccer trophies, a bag of old clothes her mother had meant to donate, the bookshelf she kept her favorite manga and other books she was obsessed with, a box of all her old plushies. This place was home, though it might take a bit of time for it to feel like that again.

Y/N hadn't realized how early it was until she steps into the kitchen, trying her best not to let the quilted fabric she had wrapped around herself touch the dusty floor. Through the window, she could see Ennoshita hopping on one foot, trying to put one of his shoes on. In front of him were the same friends from the night before, assumingly rushing the former, waving their arms as if saying, "Let's go!" She couldn't help but smile and imagine herself with them.

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