Chapter 3

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y/n's p.o.v.

I tilted my head to the side at Rin's words. "Right, you wanted to talk. I'm all ears."

He sat on the crate, resting his elbows on his knees and putting clasped hands over his mouth. I could see him take a deep breath, confusing me even further. 

"You're a smart girl," he began, meeting my eyes.

"Gee, thanks," I said sarcastically. I smiled when he laughed and waved me off. 

"I'm just saying. I mean, you have to know where this is going, right?" I shook my head. I didn't, actually. I raised a brow when his face fell. "Seriously? I have to actually use my words?"

"That's how a conversation usually goes, Senpai." Rin narrowed his eyes at me. He let out a hmph, turning his head away as a pink tint formed on his cheeks. I giggled at his childish manner, leaning on my palm. "You gonna use your words now?"

"You're killing me, Y/N." I leaned back and off of my arms at the use of my first name. He returned his gaze back to me, a determined look on his face. "I like you and I'd like to take you out."


There's no way I'm being asked out right now. 

Maybe I heard him wrong. 

Puh-lease. An attractive upperclassman asking me out? Seriously, my ears must be malfunctioning. 

Even if I had heard him right, what do I say? God, I don't even-

"I'll take your silence as a no," Rin sighed, standing up and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wait!" I spoke before I even realized it, grabbing for his wrist. I let it go immediately, taking a step back. "I... Did you really just ask me out?"

He nodded hesitantly. "I did. That was me asking you out on a date."

I nodded back slowly, trying to make sense of all this in my head. "And you're being serious about.. having feelings for me?"

"Is that so hard to believe?" he asked, a laugh bubbling from his chest. 

"Yes? Most people don't really like me-"

"Because they're intimidated by a confident girl who doesn't back down from defending herself or the people she cares about," he said softly. "Listen, kid, I can take the rejection. I just thought I'd say something after hearing that whole thing this morning. Figured if I didn't have a chance I should get over it as soon as possible."

I let out a low groan, rubbing my eyes with my hands. I basically told him I wasn't interested before he got the chance to ask. 

It's not like I do have feelings for Rin. But would it be wrong to say I think it'd be fun to try things out with him?

I mean, come on. He's insanely attractive, amazing body, great personality. I had to admit he could make my knees weak if he tried. 

And I really think this wouldn't be a bad idea.

But is me thinking it wouldn't be so bad reason enough to say yes? He's confessing his feelings, for Pete's sake. It would be a dick move to make him believe I felt the same way.

"I wasn't lying when I said I wasn't into anyone.." I made eye contact, knowing he was going to say something about the blush that managed to make its way to my face. "B- But I'm not saying no to you."

"Heh? You do get flustered!" He laughed and stepped closer. Despite his height, it didn't feel like he was towering me in an intimidating way. He didn't crowd me or try to stand over me, the way most guys do when they approach me. It only made me blush harder. Why is respect so sexy?

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