Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"What do you mean 'it's really you'? Jane where am I?"

"I'll explain later, I'm calling the team!"

He replies, giddy with excitement as he runs downstairs to reach the phone. Lisbon is more confused then ever and sits on the bed not knowing what to do. How did she get here? Could she still be in that room? Before she knew it Jane came back upstairs and brought her back down.

"Most of them are asleep but Grace woke up and is bringing Rigsby. She said something about calling Cho."

"Um okay."

"Do you want anything? Tea?"

"Sure why not."

Lisbon's POV

My life is crazy enough as it is so why not? I sit at the table watching Jane hurry in the kitchen and occasionally look back at me, as if he were afraid I would vanish. It was all so confusing, am I really in Jane's home? How did I get here? Is this really Jane or is he some form of hypnosis? Could he be someone who looks like Jane?

He joyfully handed me my tea and sat across from me eager to please. I stare into my cup, the steamy red liquid had a peach aroma to it and as far as I could tell there were no drugs dissolving in the tea, but I had to make sure that this really was Jane so I decided to test him.

"Jane do you remember when we were trapped in that science building? Something to do with a disease?"

"Where did this come from?"

"I can't seem to remember our conversation. Can you?"

There's a flicker of recognition Jane's blue eyes as he realizes what I'm doing.

"You called your brothers but they didn't pick up so you left them a voicemail. When you asked me if I had anyone to call I said there was no need because in my last hours I would have called you."

I let out a sigh of relief and take a sip of Jane's tea.

"Sorry, I had to make sure."

"I understand."

"Is the team really coming tonight?"

He looks puzzled.

"Well yes, we finally have you back we should celebrate."

I close my eyes and sigh, this was going to be a long night.

"They are going to pepper me with questions."

The door bell rings and Jane opens the door to let the rest of our team in. The instant Grace sees me she hugs me without thinking and I tense up, not wanting to be touched.

"Boss I am so glad you're back!"

"That's what I keep hearing."

They invite me into the living room and everyone sits near me, some wide awake and others fading. Surprisingly, Cho is the one to break the silence.

"What's your middle name?"

"Um, what? It's May."

Where in the world did that come from?

Rigsby chimes in.

"Do you remember anything?"

Do I remember anything? Red John's words begin to echo in my head.

"What's the matter Teresa?"

I can smell the carbon monoxide all over again and without knowing it I've clenched my hands into fists.

"Don't you like my masterpiece?"

My heart begins to race, the fear and anxiety creeping up my spine.


Jane's voice seemingly snaps me out of it and I smile apologetically at the team.

"Sorry, it's a complete blank."

"We lost you for a second there, are you okay?"

"Yes I'm just very tired, I'll be back."

Immediately getting up to leave I head to the bathroom, nerves turning in my stomach making me feel sick. I shut the door and throw up in the toilet, looks like my nerves did a complete take over. I can hear Jane knocking on the door.

"Lisbon? Did you just throw up?"

"N-no just going to the restroom."

I reply flushing the toilet and turning on the sink, Jane picks the lock just as I'm getting rid of the evidence.

"Teresa are you okay?"

"Yeah sure."

I see my reflection making me scream.

"My hair! He died my hair! He touched me!"

I can still feel Red John running his fingers through my hair, touching my face and I begin to cry. This alarms the team and I can feel Jane pulling me into his warm embrace.

"What's going on, is Boss okay?"

"I think it would be best if all of you left."

The team exchange looks but decide to leave and I am left with my mentalist.

"I feel so violated."

I say, sobbing into his shoulder and feeling like an idiot. It makes no sense for me to feel this way Red John didn't do anything, he just dyed my hair.

"I know, I know, tell me everything."

"It doesn't matter, I'll dye my hair brown and just stay around people."

"Teresa we just saved you, it's okay to cry."

Much to his disappointment I worm out of his arms and hastily wipe away my tears, I never wanted him to see me like this I never wanted anyone to see me cry.

"No, I'm fine."

"You need to tell someone, Lisbon you've gone through a traumatic event you are not fine."

"Please Jane I need to be alone."

Jane follows me, pleading with me to talk to him. But I can't, I can't tell him.

"I'll get you a doctor."

"What? Jane please no."

"No Lisbon you need help and if you can't tell me that's fine but you need to tell someone."

I groan in complaint, there really is no arguing with Jane.

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