Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The first day Jane spent with her nearly killed him: every smile, every I love you was a shot to the heart. He watched her make tea, occasionally smiling at him and softly humming as she poured herself a glass. But how could Red John do this? How could he have successfully given her all of Angela's memories? Whatever Red John had done he had been so detailed that Teresa even had the same tendencies that Angela had. One of the only few details that Red John missed was Angela's habit for putting honey into her tea and that's saying something.



The ghost of his wife looks at him through his friend's eyes and the heartache starts all over again.

"Patrick I can't find the honey."

"What? Oh its-its in the pantry, bottom left."

Another smile.

"Thanks! So how is the case going?"

This perks up his interest.

"Angela you are the case, you've been gone for three days remember?"

She merely shrugs and adds just the perfect amount of honey before sitting across from him at the table.

"It's just that your friend went to check on me and asked if I was alright. He was very nice, seemed genuinely concerned."


"The agent? No not him the other one...I'm sorry I can't seem to recall his name, oh what was it....Roy? Yes that's what it was, his name was Roy."

"What did he say to you!?"

She blinks in surprise at Jane's sudden change of behavior.

"I'm sorry, I thought you two were friends. He just wanted to know if I was alright that's all."

A sudden rage settles in and without thinking Jane slams his fist on the table, furious that he didn't see this coming. Red John was right there, he was there with them at the hospital and Jane didn't even notice!

"He's not my friend and the next time you see him you need to tell me!"

Angela flinches and stares at her cup, afraid to look at him.

"You didn't have to yell at me, I honestly didn't know."

She whispers and gets up to leave.

"Angela I'm sorry I just-"

"It's late, I am going to bed. I'd like to sleep alone this time."

Before he can do anything she makes her way upstairs and shuts the door. He lets out a ragged sigh, this was going to be a long night. With nothing else to do he lies on the couch and contemplates his apology simultaneously trying to come up with ideas on how to free Lisbon.

Jane wakes up to her screaming which makes him immediately rush to her room to find her thrashing under her sheets. Lisbon's panting, tears streaming down her face. She covers her ears and curls in a ball.


She all but screams which makes him shake her to wake her up.

"Teresa wake up!"

He says already laying next to her, wrapping his arms around Lisbon in a futile attempt to calm her down. She struggles against him trying to get away but Jane only tightens his grip, holding her close. Eventually she stops struggling as Jane runs his hand through her hair and softly kisses her forehead.

"Open your eyes Teresa, its just a dream."

She shakes her head no.

"I won't-I won't watch, not again."

"What won't you watch?"

"They keep screaming Jane, please make them stop!"

Lisbon begs and begins to struggle once again.

"Teresa wake up, please wake up."

Her eyes open wide,an immediate change taking over as if he's just lost his friend and is now face to face with his wife. She is furious.

"I told you I am not Teresa. This is the second time you've called me that, who is this woman anyway?"

Angela worms her way out of his arms and sits up looking both hurt and confused.

"Are you having an affair?"

"What? No Angela it's not like that!"

"I knew it! She's another victim of your 'psychic' readings isn't she?"


"Your love for seducing other women is astounding, I'm surprised we are still even married."

She gets up to leave but he blocks the doorway.

"Angela that was the old me, please you must understand!"

She crosses her arms and glares at him.

"Prove it then, tell me you don't love her."




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