Tired (fluff)

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You're sitting in an empty room of the warehouse. Talking rings out behind you orange beams of light resonating from the fire reaching out on the dark floor as you stare blankly out a window to the dull world outside. Recently you've felt trapped, the harshness of your post-apocalyptic life hitting you dead in the face like a fist. 

"Y/N!" You hear a cheerful voice giggle from behind you, hearing footsteps close in on you. The girl to which the voice belongs plops down beside you. Pushing an open bottle into your hand she lays down. You set the bottle down knowing it's most likely some kind of alcohol. The girl is a fit of giggles very much unlike the normally serious, badass, lover you were so used to. You were usually the happy one. Not tonight...You look back out the window but you are suddenly pulled down onto the hard floor of the warehouse the breath being knocked from your lungs. You turn your head to face the dark-haired girl to your side who has a large smile on her face. The smile makes you smile feeling a bit better about your situation as you stare into her dark eyes. Her smile fades as she sees the lingering sadness on your face. Suddenly she seems 100% sober and serious. "what's wrong?"

"Nothing" You whisper reaching out to touch her face but she grabs your wrist and sits up.

"Tell me what's wrong?" You sit up and look at her suddenly feeling tears rise to your eyes. She instantly grabs you pulling you into her chest letting you rest your head in the nook of her neck. You continue to sob gently into her skin.

"I'm just so tired of this Brends..." you cry feeling slightly embarrassed but not being able to stop

"I know" Brenda whispers into your hair. She pulls your head off of her shoulder and cups it in her gentle hands. "But I don't know what I'd do without you so you're going to have to keep going" She rubs her thumb across your face wiping away the tears. You crack a smile and laugh slightly making Brenda laugh too. You now see her eyes are watering as well. 

"Okay," You breathe through a smile. Making Brenda's drunken demeanor return.

"good" She boops your nose before closing in kissing you gently.

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