Right Arm (Fluff)

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You drive down the roads twisted roads to find a safe haven that could easily be a hoax. You didn't trust these WICKED escapees but Jorge did so you were brought along. Your girlfriend, Brenda. Nuzzled into your shoulder as you drove. The care was packed so it made sense she'd be so close but she was definitely cuddling your arm. She seemed to be acting sick ever since you guys had found her and that Thomas kid at the party. You ran your fingers down her face brushing a piece of hair out of it. Only now realizing how sweaty she was. Not wanting it to be anything more than her being too hot. You unzip her jacket and lie her out on your lap. She's awake but barely you softly stroke her hair as she begins to snore softly. The car stops in a canyon-like road stopped by a few stranded cars. Jorge looks at you and you already know what to do you grab your gun from its place on your belt and cock it. You then softly remove Brenda from your lap trying not to wake her. You look to the shocked kids as you tell them to wait. You swing out of the car gun raised. Suddenly a bang sound rings out and Jorge pulls you down as a bullet hits the hood of your car. It's only a few seconds before everyone in your car has slid away out the door of the car ducking at the spray of bullets. Suddenly 2 strangely dressed figures with raised guns rush over. You all put your hands up you turning quickly to make sure Brenda was alright. Suddenly one of the figures pulls off her mask she had blonde hair. The second figure following her lead this one with a shaved head but still a girl. 

"Aris?" They call jumping in to hug one of the boys we were traveling with. The next thing I know were back in a car but this one os more neat military grade. The two girls we now know to be called Harriet and Sonya saying we had found the right arm. The other are excited and you are to but your slightly anxious aswell, what if they don't take you, Jorge, or Brenda? What happens then? You reach a camp looking around at the people and tents. You walk across the sandy camp with Brenda clutched at your side. You stop in front of a tall man with grey hair he looks to all of you had Harriet and Sonya explain they know Aris. He tilts his nose and says

"Well I don't trust any of them" You like him, he's cautious you. Suddenly you feel Brendas grip around your body loosen as she falls to the ground. Both you and Jorge launch towards her to make sure she's alright, she's not. The man from before yells something and then flicks up her pant leg. You feel your world crash as you see an infected crank bite.

"damnit Brends" you whisper as your hands reaches your mouth tears in your eyes. You hear the click of safety coming off a gun and the man ready to aim it at her. You scream rushes forward placing yourself over the barrel of the gun. The Thomas kid from before  starts yelling.

"I said you could help her!" He says coming to our aide.

"I can help her by putting her out of her misery" You press your stomach deeper into the barrel of the gun. You no longer like this man, challenging him with your eyes. pull the trigger I dare you.

"That enough" You hear a woman's voice say. Your turn to see a woman with streaks of grey hair poking out of a ponytail. The man removes the gun from your stomach making your heartbeat slow slightly. You back up slightly continuing to guard Brenda. The man tells the woman they can't help her (brenda). She then looks up to Thomas "but he can"

~Time skip~

Your holding Brenda's hand as the woman injects a blue liquid into her arm. You don't trust her but she is your best bet and Jorge said we should let her do it. Laying your head on her chest as she sleeps feeling so much relief wash over you. Even if the cure only works for a few months at least you have that. Thomas talks with you but you aren't listening. You feel Brenda's lose grip on your hand tighten and you shoot up making Thomas stops talking. You see her eyes flutter and listen to Thomas dismiss himself. As he walks out you look at him mouthing the words 'thank you' as Brenda starts to wake up you feel tears roll down your face.

"Well, you're a mess" You hear her whisper,

"I'm sorry but your not exactly in a position to talk," You say with a small smile watching as she opens her eyes to face you. 

"probably not" She mumbles reaching up to your face and wiping your tears. She then leans back and opens her arms. You scoot on the bed wrapping your hands around her waist and resting your head on her chest. "I love you, you know that right Y/N" You smile looking up at her.

"I know Brends" You then fall asleep on her chest while she rubs your back.

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