Chapstick (fluff)

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Whenever someone went out for supplies in the warehouse it was always fun, unless you went of course. 10 people from the warehouse would go through old buildings and get supplies to bring back, hoping that you didn't get infected. A member of each family in the warehouse would go, it was a way of doing your part. This month it was Brenda's turn to go out of the three of you (you, her, and Jorge). You were worried sick as you sat by one of the windows facing out towards the open scorch. You were twisting your shirt in knots as you felt anxiety fill you that she was never coming back.

"She'll be alright you know" Jorge's accented coated voice sighed from behind you suddenly. You feel his hand rest on your shoulder but you keep your eyes glued to the empty Scorch.

"What if they run out of gas?" You ask knowing the car they were using to get around was gas and not electric like the ones WICKED used.

"They had a full tank and extra in the back"

"What if they get caught by-" He squeezes your shoulder tightly in support, cutting you off.

"You know cranks hate day time and even if they did they are loaded to the teeth" You knew he was right Brenda could handle herself, but that didn't stop you from worrying.

"I just..." You try to find the words, you always got nervous when people left your parents had left you to get supplies and never come back. It was one of the reasons you were so terrified whenever Brenda was out of your sight.

"I know Hermana...I know" As if by a sudden miracle when you felt your worry at its peak you saw a car cutting through the scorch. You instantly run rip yourself from your seat and run out of the room. Hearing Jorge chuckle as you speed away. You run down the main corridor past people waving and smiling at you, as you pass.

"Hey Y/N!"

"Y/N we need more blankets by the-" You ignore all of them as you sprint down the stairs.

"HOLD THAT THOUGHT JAMES!" You yell turning down and waiting anxiously as you hear the car pull to a stop outside. You hear the slam of car doors and chatter as the group opens the sliding warehouse doors. You hear the cranks below yell, scream, and mock the group as they pass. You look down to watch them begin to ascend up the stairwell you are waiting by. Everyone passes you with mumbles of hellos your heart dropping as more people pass without Brenda. Then you hear a distinct whistle sound in a familiar melody that makes you smile. As soon as the dark-haired beauty is close enough you wrap your arms around her neck hugging her as tight as you can.

"Jeez Bunny I was only gone for a few hours," She says mocking you but appreciating your love at the same time. You stand in the stairwell holding each other for a few minutes until a distant commotion draws you each away. You turn to see what's the matter in the hallway Brenda latching onto your hand as you walk. You stop watching the group of scavengers show off their haul. You stand Brenda hugging you from behind resting her head on your shoulder. The warehouse erupts in oohs and aahs at the supplies put on display but Brenda eventually gets bored. A soft tug on your wrist alerts you to this as you look up to see Brenda nod towards your room. You and Brenda share a room you had since before you were together but now it meant something.

Brenda sits down on her bed and you follow plopping down beside her grabbing her pillow. You watch as Brenda pulls a small colorful box out of her pocket and hands it to you.

"What's this?" You giggle Brenda just shrugs.

"I don't know but it's sealed so it must be something good" You trace a finger along with the packaging the label is worn but the seal is indeed still intact. This is a rare find nowadays, a real treasure. "Well open it would you?" You excitedly rip open the packaging to reveal a single tube that falls into your lap. You pick it up and laugh reading the label green apple flavored

"It's chapstick" You pop open the cap and smear it on your lips rubbing them together a sweet taste reaching your tongue "flavored chapstick".

"What flavor"

"Green apple," You say enthusiastically wiggling your eyebrows making Brenda crack a smile.

"Can I try?" She asks, placing the packaging aside and turning to you.

"Sure her-" you are cut off by Brenda kissing you, it lasts about 30 seconds before she pulls away. You are sitting on the bed completely having lost any focus on anything, basically on cloud 9. Brenda just raises her eyebrows with a smirk.

"Yeah it does kind of taste like green apple, cool"

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