Dance Party

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Brenda was just was her thing. She definitely could tease you and joke around sometimes but for the majority she was serious. The same expression constantly plastered across her face. The expression was a small frown, with raised eyebrows, and her gorgeous dark eyes narrowed in pure focus. It was hot, to say the least, but it was nothing compared to her smile. She barely smiled, and the only time she did was when you did something she thought was cute or stupid or a mix of the two. It was mid-day and you were bored, Brenda was off with Jorge somewhere in the warehouse, leaving you bored and alone. Lying on the couch in Jorge's study you studied the jumble of alcohol on his desk from afar, debating taking a drink. No no no Y/'s only 2 pm, your not drinking... Standing from the couch you decide to go exploring the extensions of the warehouse. Sliding the door to Jorge's study open, you locked the door. Even though Jorge was in control, some people tried to steal from him, you, and Brenda because you were the leaders. Tucking the key you used to lock the door inside your bra, you head through the large rooms of the warehouse. Curtis waves to you, he's only been at the warehouse for a few weeks he's in his mid-20's probably and has a tattoo of a tiger on his right arm.

"How's your day been?" He says as you approach.

"quite boring...who knew living in a world like this would ever be boring" You chuckle,

"it's better than risking your life," He says this like risking your life is completely normal, which unfortunately it is. Before you, Brenda, and Jorge had arrived here you had been jumping from camp to camp. Each one being invaded by cranks at some point, pushing you three to find a new home. It's been like that since you could remember, it was awful. 

"your preaching to the choir, Honey" You smile before you walk away. Finally, you decide how to occupy yourself,

dumpster diving

 Okay, that sounds awful but it wasn't like gross stuff. Basically every few weeks a team went out into the crazy world to find supplies. Sometimes they found other things, fun things. If those items didn't work or were broken they were would throw them in a large dumpster on the bottom level with the Cranks. Reaching the staircase to enter the bottom floor you slide down the railing jumping off at the bottom with a giggle. 

"Y/N! Y/N! C-come on g-girlie, l-let me go, I-I won't bite!" A crank laughs as you past pulling against his chain. The other cranks chiming in begging you to let them go or saying what they wanted to do to you.

"I'LL RIP YOUR FACE OFF" One screams from the edge of the warehouse. Arching an eyebrow you weave through the crowd trying your best not to look at them, and to not breathe through your nose. Reaching the end of the bottom floor the cranks try to call for you because their chains don't go back there. Ignoring then you reach 2 dumpsters one smells putrid and is full of empty food cans and rotting animal carcass. A gag pushes against your throat but then you turn to the other dumpster, the one with objects. Looking in you see broken toys of children who have gone through this camp, torn clothes, tons of useless junk. Until you see it...

"yes!" You cry as you reach for the object.

Brenda's POV

The day has seemed short I got up before Y/N, I left the room giving her a small kiss on the forehead and leaving a note by the pillow. I always did this because I knew that y/n's separation anxiety made her overthink everything, so I always make sure to tell her where I am.  Jorge and I had spent the day counting rations for the warehouse, trying to help. I still hadn't seen y/n mid-day, I thought she would have found me by now. I shrug it off until I hear loud music erupt from somewhere in the building. Curiosity sparks in me, Jorge without looking up from the paper he was writing on can sense it.

"You can go." I turn walking out of the backroom filled with canned food. I weave my way through the large concrete building until I find the source of the music. Jorge's Study, it must be y/n? Reaching the sliding door I pull it open. I laugh to myself when I think about how easy pulling open the heavy door is for me, and how hard it is for y/n.

"come on babe it's not that hard" I laugh as y/n struggles to pull open the door.

"easy for you to say! You like a foot taller than me AND stronger, it's not my fault!"

The memory makes me smile a little to myself as I look up to see y/n. My mouth drops open, she's dancing around the study a bottle of an amber liquid in her hand, probably alcohol. My eyebrows arch as I realize her torso is bare other than a lacey pink bra. I lean against the door frame and watch her for a while as she belts the lyrics to whatever song is playing. When she notices me she smiles, she turns down a small black radio which seems to be the source of the music, and walks over to me. Draping her arms over my shoulders her smile widens. 

"isn't it so cool!" She giggles, swaying slightly. I place a hand on her waist to steady her. "I found this broken radio downstairs...and then I fixed it...but then I didn't have any CDs because...who uses CDs?! BUT THEN! I remember that Jorge had a few up here and now we have music other than that classical shit Jorge listens to." When she finishes her high-energy rant I laugh smiling as well.

"you're adorable," I said cupping her face and rubbing my thumb over her cheek.

"No, I'm smart," She corrects, shaking her head enthusiastically, reminding me of the bottle in her hand.

"and drunk," I say grabbing the bottle from her hand, and setting it on a table before turning back to her.

"and drunk," She agrees with the biggest smile plastered on her face staring back at me, my heart melts and I smile again.

"God, I love you"

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