A crumpled piece of paper. [TI]

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Iida's POV:

Again... Like every morning for the past week... She continues to question me... But this time she asks... "What's your opinion on Bakugo?" She said tilting her head. I look at her. "He's annoying..." I say. "And...?" she asks.. "Is that all??" she adds.

"He's also irresponsible" I say. She sighs. "So likeeee is insanely hot or sexy?? Or like maybe just really handsome?" she asks. I look to the side and shrug. "Not that I know of... I'm not attracted to him in anyway, Mina please quit with this nonsense..." I say.

She nods. "Yeah, sorry. Also? Why've you been so gloomy lately??" she asks. I look at her "what do you mean?" I ask. "Well.. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has noticed it. You've been more closed off and decline invitations unlike before, is there something wrong?" she asks..

I mess with my glasses frame slightly.. Actually I don't know why I am acting like this. She is right, but what's it matter to her? I sigh. "I'm fine, now please leave me alone" I say. She nods and wanders to her seat.

I run my hand through my dark blue hair, questioning myself... She was right something was wrong? But what was it? Day after day I've seemed to care less about what they do... And instead of stopping them I avoid them... What type of class rep behaviour is that!? I hold my head, staring down at my desk.. Now I was nothing but useless..

What's a class rep if he doesn't even bother anymore.. Why...? What's wrong Tenya Iida... Was I...Was I overwhelmed...? Or maybe I'm just really oblivious to my feelings and thoughts..? But I don't feel like there is anything wrong but there obviously is..

After class... Before I headed to lunch I spot a crumpled piece of paper on the tiled classroom floor. I kneel down for a quick second to pick it up. Raising a brow.. If this was someones homework or such, I'd better give it to them. I open it... Only to... What?! My eyes widen slightly from surprise... Pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose.. I study the paper. Who on earth...?

Blushing, I cover my mouth with one of my hands.. Who would ever want me to be their boyfriend...?  I shouldn't go assuming it could've been kicked around the room when people were leaving...

I fold it and slip it into my blazer pocket.. I let a sigh escape past my lips and head to lunch...

During lunch my mind kept shifting to the paper. I was zoned out for a bit, eating while the others talked.

"Hey, Iida"

I look ahead of me to Uraraka. "Yes?" I ask. "You're zoned out, is something wrong?" She asks. I shake my head. "No, nothing is. I'm just thinking" I say. "Alright... If you say so.." she says..


After school, I was heading to my dorm only to come to a halt by Bakugo. "Hey Iida!" he called. I inhale and then turn to look at him. "Yes..?" I asked. "I was wondering if you were free tomorrow?" he asks. "No I'm not.." I say trying to avoid all contact. I seriously didn't want to see him at all. If he would just go away. He glanced to the side. "If you go on a picnic with me tomorrow, I'll stop asking to hang out..." He says. I take a deep breath "Okay.. Then yes, I'm free" I say, if he'd leave me alone after that then why not go.. I turn. "Have a good day, Bakugo" I say. "You too, Four eyes..." he says. I turn and walk away...

Once I got to my dorm I close the door and change my shoes out for slippers. I sit down and inhale. Usually after class I'd change into casual clothes and then take a small nap, about 20 minutes long. Just to get some extra electrolytes and energy before I head off and train.. And that's exactly what I did.

Later when studying__________________

While studying I remember the paper. Though, was it really up most of importance at the moment. I blush slightly. I get up and get my blazer from atop of my dresser then taking out the paper. I go back and then sit down opening it. I rub my chin lightly, thinking. Was this the reason why Mina keeps asking me questions repeatedly..... But who?

To be precise it never had clicked to Tenya, that Mina had asked about Bakugo that morning.. and that he was asked out to a picnic that day by Katsuki.. He is just overly oblivious since he has never before been in love or had someone like him. From what he knows of, that is....

(I'll post another one later- of Bakugo getting the picnic ready. Also! Thank you guys for the support! Comments make me happy and sometimes make me laugh, so I appreciate it. 😆✨)

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