1 ~ Fury

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A/N: Dedication to Dance_Lovely. VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ! Dear Readers, 11/2/15 this message is written during chapter 23. A heads up the first chapters of this story SUCK and I don't have time to go back and edit them yet. I will eventually when I have more time, but it does get better, so please don't read the first chapter then give up cause I assure you it will get better. It seems like there isn't a storyline and everything is jumbled up which it kinda is, but things will start falling into place and when I finish it I'll put everything back into place, so please bear with me and enjoy :) thanks.

Update: 12/3/2020 Haha so I'm pretty sure I wrote this fanfiction when I was like 13 and the writing is very bad so I'm not quite sure how it has so many reads. I fear that my middle school bad writing is not salvageable so I doubt I'd ever finish this story :( sorry guys. I haven't read the HP books in years, and I don't think I'd do the fandom justice. However, if you would like to see me continue this story OR revamp it and reupload with the same premise and better writing I could do that if enough people wanted it. If nobody cares that's fine haha, but if you do want this story finished or redone please comment so on the Announcement chapter (After chapter 28). I'd probably re-read the books in order for my facts to be accurate lol. Man I haven't been on Wattpad in ages, I'm surprised this story still gets reads. Alright well have at at it. Happy covid to u all :)

I was boiling with anger, embarrassment, and shame. He called me Mud blood again... and in front of everyone... I ran to the girls laboratory sinking to the ground clasping my face in my hands. I was humiliated.

"Mudblood he said!" I choked, after sitting there moping for what seemed like hours I decided I would not let this boy ruin my day. I wiped my tears getting up and staggering out of the bathroom just as Ron and Harry arrived.

"There you are!" Ron said "We were worried sick." Harry added. I shuffled past them.

"I'M alright." I assured.

I heard Ron mutter something obviously annoyed, but they followed quietly knowing I wasn't in the mood for talking.

"Professor McGonagall says for you to come eat." Ron stated.

"Alright." I said walking towards the Great Hall. We guided ourselves the the corridors and halls knowing exactly where to go it being our 6th year. As we entered the hall all eyes turned towards me, some laughing and pointing, others whispering amongst themselves. I didn't even glance in Draco's direction.

I shuffled along to my seat next to Neville.

"Don't worry bout them Hermoine." Ron whispered, I smiled thankfully at him... last time I got emotional at Malfoy calling me names I lost points for gryffindor.

We ate in silence. Soon after finishing our meals I got up excusing myself and heading to the girls dormitory for Gryffindor.

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