19. True love

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A year ago.

When your car enters the driveway you can clearly see some dim lights coming from your living room and you start getting scared. Since you've hired security, a long time ago, you haven't had any break-in, not even an attempt, but you can never be too sure, especially since you know you have a couple of stalkers out there who would love nothing more than sneaking into your house and wait for you to get in completely alone so they could do whatever they want to you - kidnap, kill, rape, and god knows what else. So you pretty much yell at Joe to back up the car and drive as far away from there as possible, but instead, your bodyguard just stops and turns to look at you.

"No worries, miss Swift, that's just miss Agron. She called me to let me know that she was getting here to wait for you."

Your anxiety is quickly replaced by expectation and joy. You didn't know Dianna was coming, and now you can't wait to see her. She was supposed to be in New York today, but apparently, she came back earlier and surprised you. Things are going incredibly well between the two of you lately; actually, they're going better than ever. Sure, you went on full panic mode when some rumors about your relationship with Dianna came out, and then there was an interview in which Dianna wasn't exactly prompt at denying those rumors, which obviously led to a big fight. But that was the last one you've had, and it was almost three weeks ago, which, for Swiftgron standards, it's like one year of pure, uninterrupted bliss.

You thank Joe and send him home for the evening, then head to the door to go inside and meet your girlfriend. But when you're about to turn the doorknob you notice a heart-shaped post-it stuck on it.

"I love your endless ability to dream, always."

You take the post-it in your hands and smile, not really sure about the reason for that cute little surprise. But when you finally go inside, you realize that the sticky note on the door was just the beginning. On the floor, there are red arrows made of cardboard that point to other post-its scattered all around your home. On each of them, there's a reason why Dianna loves you.

"I love the mysterious, yet wondrous way your brain works."

"I love that your entire face lights up when you smile."

"I love your talent."

"I love your tunnel vision when you're following your dream."

"I love the sound that comes out of your mouth when I touch you."

"I love how sweet and patient you are to your fans."

The more you read the bigger your smile grows and you feel a warmth in your heart that you've never felt before. You don't know what you've done to deserve such an amazing, heartfelt surprise, but it makes you so happy you could fly.

When you make it to your bedroom, you find your bed covered in lilies, the flower she gave you the night you first met her, at the Vanity Fair party. There are more post-its in the room, and the last one is on the window that looks out onto your backyard. And then you see it: there's a trail of white lanterns on the grass that leads to a white tent lit up by what look like Christmas lights, a blanket, and pillows under it. And Dianna, sitting there, waiting for you.

You don't waste time, you run down the stairs so fast that you almost trip and tumble down. You only slow down when you're out of the backdoor and walking the path of lanterns. Dianna sees you and stands up, steps out of the tent, and stretches out her arm for you to take when you get there.

By that time, you think your smile has probably taken over your entire face. She looks even more beautiful than the whole setting she has arranged for you, with a white chiffon shirt and black jeans, her hair on her shoulders.

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