Chapter 14

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I stand in front of the train, not late for once in my life.  I'm going home and studying no matter what Shigaraki wants me to do.  I tap my foot along to my music, feeling the vibrations from the train.  The overhead speakers announce the oncoming train.

I'm towards the back of the line so I might not get a great seat but I don't really care all that much.  A hand touches mine but I think nothing of it, I'm in a crowded place.  But when the hand grips my forearm tightly I begin to panic.  I sweep the legs of the person grabbing out from under them.  Spinning around ready for a fight, my fists raised.  Looking down at the person I grow even angrier.

I cut the line, something I try my hardest not to do.  Rushing as quickly as I can away from that blue haired bitch.  He scrambles to his feet and chases after me, catching up to me quickly.  He grabs me around the stomach and whispers into my ear.

"Don't resist now, with all these people watching.  We need you at the base!"  I go limp in his arms.  My heart races against my chest, trying to beat its way out of my rib cage.  

A tall buff man glances at me from the next line over.  He walks over to me, staring Shigaraki down.

"Hey man do we have a problem?"  Haru asks (he looks like a Haru)

"No, I'm just giving my girlfriend a hug.  Decided to surprise her.  Right sweety?!"  He digs his nails into my skin causing me to let out a squeak.  I shake my head slightly, enough that Shigaraki won't notice.

"Mhm, that's right." I grimace, my lip quivering with fear.  Haru goes back in line but he keeps a close eye on me.  Shigaraki spins me around to face him, oh god does he look angry.

"Come now, let's get this train and go back to ba- my house." He orders.  He drags me onto the train and sits me down in his lap.  I squirm around for multiple minutes before finally sitting still.  Haru is sitting on the opposite side of the train, glancing occasionally at me.

Shigaraki starts to kiss my neck, sucking and leaving marks.  I push him away but he just keeps doing it.  Finally I've had enough,  I stand up and whip around to face him.  I smack him across the face with the back of my hand.  I sit down in the empty spot next to him and scroll through my phone for the rest of the train ride.

You:  shinsou you were right, I need to break up with him

Shinso:  finally!  What convinced you?

You:  I'll show you what!

I hold up my phone and take a picture of my neck to send him, careful not to show Shigaraki in the photo.

I hold up my phone and take a picture of my neck to send him, careful not to show Shigaraki in the photo

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Shinsou:  Jesus Christ!  I'm coming over tomorrow and we are dealing with this jerk

I smile to myself but that smile quickly fades as the train slows to a stop.  Shigaraki grabs my wrist, not letting his pinky touch my skin, and speedwalks off the train and into the street.  All while digging his nails into my skin he walks down alleyways and backstreets until he reaches the base.  He unlocks the door and shoves me in, slamming the door closed as I fall to my knees.  

Toga and Twice run to help me up, holding protective arms around me.  I smile at them before turning my attention back to Shigaraki.

"Well, you dragged me here so what is so important that it had to happen today?  Whats so important you had to kidnap me to show me?"  I sneer at him.

"Simple, we have a new member.  Or at least he will be our new member, hopefully."  Shigaraki steps to the side revealing the person chained up in the chair behind him.

"Shigaraki!  I thought you said none of class 1a would be harmed?  You were supposed to be going after the heros!" I scream, rushing forwards to check the blond for injury.  "Are you hurt, do you need any medical care?"  The blond shakes his head.

"His name is Katsuki Bakugo."  Kurogiri informs from behind the counter.  I turn my attention back to my so-called-boyfriend.

"I can not believe you lied to me about this!  And as if I wasn't already going to break up with you!  Now I know for sure, your just a toxic bitch!  Just like everyone else, trying to use me and get what you want by using me."  My lips quiver as tears burn down my cheeks.

"Mochi, your not breaking up with me." Shigaraki orders, grabbing around my neck.  Toga runs at him, a knife drawn.

"Get your hands off of her!  If she breaks up with you, than she breaks up with you." She presses the knife to his throat and he backs down.  The blond boy, Bakugo, mutters something under his breath drawing my attention to him.

"Mochi?  You, you're Flextapes girlfriend,  he won't shut up about you.  To bad your a villain you would have been a cute couple." He growls,  the first words I've heard him speak.

"I am not a villain, just because I know villains doesn't make me one.  And I am not  Sero's girlfriend!" He shrugs and goes back to watching silently.

"I don't want anything to do with you anymore Shigaraki." I spin around to face everyone else.  "Toga, Twice, are we still on for lunch tomorrow?" The both nod, then give me a goodbye hug.  I push the door open and let it slam closed.

I need to get Bakugo out of there.

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