Chapter 63: Xiaoyangdery

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It was a normal day for the three. Xiaojun, Hendery, and Yangyang had woken up, did their morning routine, and ate breakfast. They all seemed to be in a good mood so far. Xiaojun took the time to play his guitar, Hendery was actually cleaning the dorms, and Yangyang was watching a movie.

Suddenly, the youngest of them stood in the middle of the living and stomped his feet on the floor to get his boyfriend's attention. Xiaojun and Hendery stopped what they were doing and looked at Yangyang with a raised eyebrow. Would it be one of those days were Yangyang decided to be his bratty self?

"Cuddles now", Yangyang said with a pout to his two boyfriends. Hendery and Xiaojun looked at each other with confused eyes but still complied to the younger's wishes. Xiaojun placed his guitar down while Hendery stopped cleaning and both walked to the couch.

Hendery sat on the couch and pulled the youngest to his lap, Xiaojun sitting next to hendery and allowing Yangyang to drape his legs over his thighs. Yangyang rested his head on Hendery's chest, while Xiaojun rested his head on Hendery's shoulder. Both Xiaojun and Yangyang relaxed into Hendery's warmth which always made them feel protected.

With one hand Hendery made sure to hold Yangyangs waist while with the other hand he held Xiaojun's hand.

After a few minutes of just cuddling, Hendery decided to ask Yangyang why he had demanded Cuddles. "What's up with you?" Hendery finally asked Yangyang cautiously.

However, Yangyang didn't respond because he had fallen asleep on Hendery's chest. He wasn't the only one though, Xiaojun was also drifting in and out of sleep.

Hendery chuckled at how easily the two had just fallen asleep and let them be. It wasn't like he minded it, he actually enjoyed it when they fell asleep while being with him. It gave him a sense of comfort to know that Yangyang and Xiaojun trusted him enough to fall asleep while in his arms.

You know those moments when you're holding the person you love and you just feel at ease because you know that nothing will happen as long as you're with them. Well, that was how Hendery felt and it was a very strong feeling. Especially because he had two people to look after and love with his heart.

After a while, Hendery decided to take them to the bedroom so they could sleep better. He first woke up the boy beside him.

"Hey love, how about you got the room and I'll take Yangyang with me there", he softly told Xiaojun.

It took Xiaojun a moment to understand what Hendery said but once he did, he slowly moved Yangyang's legs away from his thighs and stood up from the couch. He slightly stretched before making his way to the bedroom.

Hendery stood up from the couch while holding Yangyang bridal style and took them to the bedroom where Xiaojun was holding the door open for them. Hendery carefully laid Yangyang in the middle of the bed before him and Xiaojun joined the youngest on the bed. Each of them laying on each side of Yangyang.

Yangyang lay facing up, so Xiaojun hugged him by the waist and snuggled on to Yangyang's neck, breathing in the younger's scent. Hendery did the same but on the other side of Yangyang, however, he made sure to softly kiss Yangyang's and Xiaojun's forehead before getting comfortable.

Within minutes, the three fell into a deep sleep.

Later that day, Yangyang woke up trapped between Xiaojun and Hendery. He looked at the ceiling and tried to think of a way to get out of their hold. He could wake them up or he could just stay in place and wait for one of them to wake up. The second option seemed like the better option, simply because he loved being in between Hendery and Xiaojun. However, he didn't have to wait long before Hendery woke up.

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