Chapter 62: Markhyuck

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"Hey love, are you awake?"

"mmm, what do you want Mark?" Donghyuck murmured half-asleep. He felt Mark lay back next to him and hug him by the waist.

"Oh nothing, just that the twins are here" Mark replied with a sigh.

Donghyuck frowned and turned to Mark. "Twins?"

"Jieun and Jinwoo", Mark answered.

"And what are they doing here?" Donghyuck questioned with confusion.

Mark shrugged before answering. "I would like to know as well, but they won't tell me unless you're there".

"Sounds suspicious", Donghyuck murmured.

"I know", Mark said as he stood up from the bed, leaving Donghyuck laying alone, "which is why I need you to get up and come with me"

Donghyuck looked at his boyfriend and with his hands motioned for Mark to carry him. Mark raised an eyebrow before giving in and giving Donghyuck a piggyback ride to the living room. "You're such a big baby", Mark told his cute boyfriend.

"But I'm your big baby" Donghyuck replied with a bubbly smile as he poked Mark's cheek.

"They're so cute" Jieun whispered squealed to her twin brother as she took a picture of the couple.

"I don't think you should be taking pictures, it disturbs their privacy" Jinwoo whispered back and Jieun gave him a weird look.

"You're saying that as if we're never gonna see them again when we are the literal children of Junseo, Jungwoo, and Lucas and we might just debut in their group" Jieun whispered as she turned to her brother with a defiance gaze.

Jinwoo sighed and rubbed his temples, he could feel like an argument would start. "What I'm saying is that they deserve some privacy and these pictures could potentially be leaked if you aren't smart enough"

"Yeah, but I'm not that stupid like one of us", Jieun retorted, "and my nctzen ship heart needs this"

Donghyuck and Mark watched as the two kept arguing back and forward wondering if they should intervene. "Should we stop them?" Donghyuck whispered in Mark's ear.

Mark sighed and placed Donghyuck on the couch before going to stand between the twins. "You two, stop now.", he firmly said with a serious tone.

Jieun and Jinwoo stopped mid-argument and shivered upon hearing Mark's tone. Who knew Mark Lee could be scary?

Before they could even start talking Mark stopped them. "Jinwoo, I understand that you are just trying to look out for us but Youngmi isn't doing anything bad", Mark told the boy. Jieun smiled triumphantly and stuck out her tongue at Jinwoo, which made her twin annoyed.

Mark then turned to Jieun. "and you, I hope you know what the consequences of those pictures getting leaked are and I hope you realize that I and Donghyuck are trusting you to be responsible with those pictures", he said.

Jieun gulped as she realized what the responsibility of taking those pictures was, but it was worth it because now she had Markhyuck pictures. "Understood", she told him.

Donghyuck watched with amazement and awe since it was one of the few times that Mark acted with seriousness outside of their job. It was kind of hot, especially with the way Mark raised his eyebrow.

"Now will you two explain why you're here?", Mark told the twins as he sat next to Donghyuck.

Jinwoo and Jieun smiled at each other and stood in front of the couple. "We have an idea", Jieun said.

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