Chapter 2: Harry Styles

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*Harry's POV*

"Harry, get your lazy ass out of bed we have to go in nearly an hour!" I hear Louis yell. Today the boys and I are going to California and we're going to stay for some business there.

I open my eyes slowly and stare a the white ceiling of my room and rub my eyes awake. As I uncover my nearly naked body, only waring my boxers, I feel the cold air hit me from my room. The air conditioner must have been on all night. I shuddered a bit. It would have been nice to have someone to embrace me right then.

I then heard footsteps ponding up the stairs. Someone burst through the door. It was Louis and he looked frustrated. I chuckled as his face fell. "I was going to splash you in the face with this water but you're awake so. You ruined my plan." he said in a disappointed manner.

Louis was my best friend. Someone I could count on and trust. He's been my older brother and younger brother all at the same time. Same goes for the rest of the boys, Liam, Niall, and Zayn. Liam was more like a father but they have been my friends for nearly 3 years now. We've been in a boy band for almost 3 years now as well. I could count on all five but especially Lou. He can always make me happy when I'm sad. Which is now more than often. Him and the boys all say that i need a girlfriend but if i'm ever going to find one I'll need to throw my partying away for awhile. But, now that I'm so used to partying, picking up girls, having one night stands, and all that, it's hard to quit it. Deep down though there is a part of me that wishes and hopes for a girl to come around who will see past my fame and like my for Harry not Harry from One Direction.

"Thanks Lou, but obviously you won't need to be doing that." I say adding a chuckle at the end.

"Well now you know what will happen if you don't wake up. Correct?" he said.

"Yes, Lou I know."

"Good now clean up we're leaving soon." he says turning around and running away down the stairs.

I walk over to my dresser and grab some clothing for a hot day. Boxers, shorts, my Ramones t-shirt, and my socks and converse. I lay my clothes out on my bed and walk into the bathroom. I strip out of my boxers and throw them into the laundry basket and step into the shower. I turn the water on and allow the warm water to run on my body as I grab the bar of soap washing until I felt satisfyingly clean. I wash my hair as well and do a once over to make absolutely positive that I am clean. I turn the water off and listen to the sound of water droplets dripping off my body. I then grab my towel from outside and pull it into the shower and begin to dry my body. I wrap the towel around my waist and hop out of the shower. I wipe the foggy mirror to reveal my naturally curly hair now matted on my face. I grab my hairdryer and hairbrush and begin to dry my hair.

When I'm done I walk into my room and shudder once more as the cold air hits me. I quickly hop in my clothes and look at myself in the mirror for last minute adjustments with my hair. I fix a piece that was sticking up and then I walk over and grab my duffle bag and my Ray Bans and walk downstairs. I hear loud chattering and laughing recognizing immediately it is the boys. then I hear some girls voices too. I walk in the kitchen to find the boys as well as Danielle. I greet them briefly and start to grab a bowl, cereal, and milk as they continue to talk.

I finish eating and walk over to the sink and wash out my bowl. I decided that I should join the conversation and be social instead of being a sulk even though I really didn't feel like it. They were all talking about last night and how that were playing bored games and saying how I should have been there. I'd told them i was going to my parents to eat and spend 'quality time' but i actually went out to the club and picked up a few phone numbers and came home and fell asleep. I thought that maybe they were right. First of all I felt bad for lying and second I probably would have had more fun. But it is what it is.

*Half an hour later*

Liam, Niall, Zayn, Louis, and I are on the way to the airport right now in a black van. I wasn't too enthusiastic and everyone seemed to notice but they didn't say anything. Louis was rambling on now about some story that I'd heard already for about the fifth time. The boys were all laughing at Louis' story. I just sat near the window and watched as cars passed by. I felt a sudden warmth next to me. I turned to see that Liam and Louis had switched seats and Liam was sitting next to me now. I nodded my head in acknowledgement and turned away. "Harry whats up. You've hardly been talkin' today and you're acting unusual. Is something wrong?" Liam said sensing my mood was off.

"I'm okay just a bit... tired." I say, but I knew that wasn't it. I figured the boys did also but they decided to leave me be and only glance at me every so often.

The sad thing is I didn't know what was going on. Was I just tired or was it more. I can't say so myself what was going on but I didn't like it and I don't think the boys do either. We arrive at the airport as questions continue racing throughout my mind. We board the plane for a long ride to California. But I didn't know that when we landed in LAX that something would happen and that it would make my life turn in a 360.


Next Chapter will be more exciting I promise!!

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~Dani <3 .xx

Everything I've Been Searching For (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now