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24 hours before - 1981

Sirius and Marlene were sitting in the living room with James and Lily Potter while Sirina and Harry were sleeping. Remus was out of the town that night and Peter, well nobody knew where Peter was. Unfortunately for the both families because their  friend already betrayed them. Voldemort was on  his way to Sirius' house.

''So what are you gonna do from now?'' Lily asked while she took her cup of coffee . Lily Potter is Marlene's best friend since she went to Hogwarts . They used to live together before their children were born. 

''Well, she's still a little baby, Lily.'' Marlene laughed watching Sirius and James. ''Maybe we'll going to a holiday after Christmas and then we'll wait to have another child.'' She was sure about the future but what no one knew was that 30 October 1981 was their last night together or alive.

After a few hours , the two kids woke up so James and Lily decided to return back home because was almost 12 am and Harry was a little restless. Marlene hugged Lily and wished her all the best for Harry and their future child, because Lily and James were supposed to have another baby, but this was a secret that only Marlene knew about it.

The Potter family left and Sirius returned to living room taking his daughter from the pillow.

''Hi, my beautiful witch.'' A big smile was raised on Sirius' lips and he started walking through the room. That moment was perfect and nothing could ruin it... nothing but Lord Voldemort. 

Late in night some strange noises woke up Sirius. Marlene woke up too because of the noises and both of them left the room going downstairs. A strange feeling shivered through Sirius' back then the whole room was covered in a dark grey smoke. It started to be more and more cold . In a few seconds from a dark smoke, four bodies appeared, one of them being Lord Voldemort himself.

"Such a pleasure to see you .'' he turned around smiling and starts walking closer to them raising his wand to Marlene.

''What do you want from us? We won't help you.'' Sirius yelled and comes in front of Marlene trying to protect her. 

''My dear friend ... You have to help us if you want to survive. '' From a dark place, Peter showed himself. 

''You.. You traitor. You helped him .'' nothing could shock Sirius more than seeing one of his bestfriends on the other side. Peter was always the quiet Marauder but he never thought that he will betray everyone, especially them.

''Oh c'mon Black,  shut your mouth up.'' a tall blonde haired man took of his mask and goes on the right of the Lord. 

Sirius couldn't say anything more because Lord Voldemort killed Marlene in front of his eyes. His eyes had filled with tears and got on his knee's . Waiting for them to kill him, Sirius closed his eyes praying to the Lord to not kill his daughter. He already lost almost everything.

''Lucius take the girl . Now.'' he ordered looking at Sirius. After Lucius returned holding the baby , they left the house leaving Sirius right there with Marlene's body.


  In that night, Lord Voldemort killed Lily and James too. But the little boy named Harry wasn't there. After they arrived home, Lily's sister, Petunia , phone to ask if she can take care of Harry because her son , Dursley, Harry's cousin, misses him so much.

  This is why Harry never become one of the 7 horcruxes and never had to fight Lord Voldemort. The one who killed his family. He grew up with Remus after he came back to the town. Sirius was sent to Azkaban for killing his wife , but their baby was never found . Why? Because Lucius brought her to the Malfoy Manor and as the Lord ordered , they changed her name from Black to Riddle. 

  Even the most powerful dark wizard couldn't kill a baby. He has no feelings and doesn't regret anything but that was ready to change. Her future will change everything , even the way Voldemort saw the world before meeting her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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