Chapter Three: Tuesday

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~Sasuke's P.o.v~
Wakes up on Tuesday morning getting ready for another school day. I got to my first block and sat down at me and Naruto desk since me and Naruto have every class together and Naruto only sees Shisui in third and fourth block and sometimes at lunch. First block for me is English Second block is Science Third block is Social Studies Fourth block is Math and for my English teacher is Mr.Might Guy, Science is Mr.Asuma, Social Studies is Ms.Kurenai Yuhi, Math is my lover, Itachi. Mr.Might Guy came in after Naruto came in and Naruto sat down besides me and Mr.Might Guy started to teach the class. We were doing our assignment as he was teaching it, once I got done I gave it to Naruto to copy if needed and he copied my work onto his. "So tell me what happened with you and Shisui" I've said and he blushes and looked at me. " went great we had alot of things in common and we had a couple but not many differences and we got along perfectly and once he brought me back it was 8 to 9 p.m. and when I was about to close the door he kissed me on the cheek and said 'I'll see you tomorrow' and now I'm excited" he told me all of the information and I've smiled and told him that was amazing. The bell rung and we brought our stuff to our lockers and me and Naruto's locker is across each others and we put our stuff up and we grab our binder for Science. Sees that Shisui was by Naruto talking to him and I went to class. At last block we we're working into with a partner that we could choose and Sakura and Ino went to me and asked me to be with one of them. I didn't want to deal with them like this.

~Itachi's P.o.v~
I saw Sakura and Ino wanting to be partners with Sasuke with my lover. I sighed and shook my head side to side I highly doubt Sasuke will accept. I saw him got mad and hit the desk with his fist I got up from my seat "Sasuke! Outside my classroom now" I've said he does what he said because he seemed to be scared a bit. I walked outside the classroom once I cleared my mind a bit and he looked at me. "What happened in there Sasuke?" I've said consurned a bit. "It was Sakura and Ino, they pissed me off they should work together than me working with one of them, they might see there more alike then they seem" he told me and I was half way shocked what he said and I've just nodded at him. "Alright Sasuke but next time don't hit the desk with your fist like you did it makes it look like you were going to start a fight" I've said and he said okay to it and we both walked back in.

~Sasuke's P.o.v~
Once we got back in Itachi call Sakura and Ino's names to come to him and I walked back but I stopped in my place when Deidara came to me. "Hey, your Sasuke right?" He asked me "yes I am and who may you be? If you don't mind me asking" I've said to him "I'm Deidara and I was curious if you would like to do this activity or assignment with me" he asked "sure I don't mind you would be better than Sakura and Ino" I've said and he smiled and thanked me for the compliment. The bell has rung thirty-five minutes later "hey Sasuke do you mind working on this with me tomorrow during lunch if your not doing anything?" Deidara asked me "sure if I can I'll meet you by your locker" I've said and he nodded and he walked off. Everyone left and I was the only student that was leaving the classroom and I saw Itachi left after me and he locked the classroom up and he caught up to me. "Hey Sasuke" Itachi said "hey" I've replied to him, I saw him smiled. "How was your day today?" He asked me "good I suppose" I've answered him and we both walked to a cafe since that was were he brought me to.

~Itachi's P.o.v~
I brought Sasuke to a cafe since it's been awhile since we last went somewhere like this just for fun. Plus this cafe is were we first had a date at I'm curious if he remembers that. "Oh Itachi....this place brings back memories this is the place were we first had our date at" he said I've nodded my head yes to what he had said to me and I've smiled happily that he remembers that like I do because usually if I try to date anyone they forget the first place we dated at like this. "You've got good memories Sasuke" I've said to him and he laughed at me "of course I've remembered the first place we've had our first date at" he said to me and my heart was melting a bit because I never heard Sasuke laugh like that ever. I smiled and when he finished laughing we looked at each other with alot of emotions. "your so adorable sweetheart" I've said to him and he blushes more than usual I'm curious if he can get embarrassed more every time I give him complimenting him like I was and am he's to amazing to even hate for any wrong doing, he just be cuter if I get onto him if he does something wrong. "baka! stop embarrassing me" he said and I've just giggled a bit and I took his hand to hold it in mine, he blushed a bit more and held my hand back and I've smiled. "so your working on the project for school with Deidara?" I've asked him and he nodded "yes I am, is there a problem with working with him?" he asked and I've shook my head side to side meaning no that there wasn't something wrong with the boy, but I am concerned about Deidara, he seems to be off about him like something isn't right. I feel like he's working in a group of some kind that is bad for him and for us.

~Deidara's P.o.v~
I was worried because a guy came up to me he is apart of the Akatsuki group. "did you find them?" he asked me and I've nodded "yes, they go to this college school one's the teacher there and the other is a student at the school" I've said to him so he won't hurt me like he said he would if I didn't get any new info because everywhere we go we couldn't find or get them. I start to worry for Sasuke and professor Itachi Uchiha, the guy that I was talking to was Pain Yahiko that's what he told me he goes by but he just said to call him Pain and I went along what he wanted me to do even if it upseted me or anything or anyone. I sighed "may I go now if you don't need me" I've asked him and he nodded and he left before I did and I walked off to my dorm in the college. I remember that me and Sasuke gave each other's phone number I start to write a text to him.  <hey Sasuke, can we talk when you get the chance?> I've sent the reply <sure, what's wrong?> he answered back to me. I'm glad he can. <well let's just say that I know someone that is after you and Itachi>

~Sasuke's P.o.v~
My eyes widen as I read the last text that Deidara sent me. "What's the matter sweetheart?" Itachi asked and I've looked at him worried. "I don't know but Deidara is telling me something that might be coming up soon for us" I've said to him then he became sensitive and protective. "I should have known there was something up with that boy" he said and I've shook my head side to side. "What if he is in danger just like we are?" I've said and he looked at me confused a bit and questionitve. <Deidara, are you in danger with this situation your telling me about?> I've sent the text to him. <I can be if I fail> he replied and I felt bad if he can be in danger. I've looked at Itachi and showed him what Deidara texted me and he read then and he became consurned.

~To be continued~

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