Chapter Seven: Marry Me?

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~Itachi's P.o.v~
It's been two years since Sasuke got saved from pain and since he got raped by him. I was so happy that I've got him back and am with him and spending time with him. Sasuke is in his dorm in the college and I went to his dorm and knocked on the door. He opened the door and saw me and he smiled. "Hey sweetheart" he said to me "hey lovely" I've replied back to him and he blushes lightly. "What is it that you came over at the hour? It's one in the morning" he asked me and I've blushed when he asked "Well I wanted to come over to see what your going to do for the break that starts today" I've told him and he understood. "I don't have anything planned for the break" he told me and I had an idea. "How about you let me plan something special for us to do during the break?" I've asked and he blushed quite a bit and he agreed to what I've asked and it made both of us happy. "Come on in babe, it is late and we need our sleep" he said and I've nodded and he let me walk in and he closed the door.

~Sasuke's P.o.v~
We went to my bed and Itachi cover us with the blanket and I've leaned against him and fell asleep and he blushes lightly and smiled as he let me do so. He fell asleep with me and it's been a few hours. We woke up at the same time and Itachi kissed me on the lips and it made me embarrassed and I've kissed him back. Itachi got up out off bed "come on sweetheart, we need to get going" he told and and I've nodded and get up. I've got ready and we left and Itachi brought me to a nice Cafe to drink coffee with him and he paid for it and it made me upset that he paying for it when I could have done it myself but he insisted on doing it so I let him. A few hours has passed and we were walking and I saw a adopt a pet store and saw a beautiful full black german shepherd and I looked at him since I could tell that it was a male. Itachi saw that I was interested in the dog I was looking at and he smiled and walked over to me.

~Itachi's P.o.v~
"You like him don't you?" I've asked my lover and he nodded "yes I do but I don't have enough to get him, I went to check how much he was yesterday and they said eight hundred dollars and I don't have that much and they said he wouldn't be here anymore after tomorrow afternoon" he told me and I saw how badly Sasuke wanted him. I grabbed my lovers hand and brings him into the store and let's go of him as I went to the front desk and asked to buy the fully black german shepherd at the window and they brought his paperwork to the desk to make me sign and pay eight hundred dollars for him and I did so. They gave me a collar for him after I got my lover to give me a name he wanted for the dog and on the blue collar on the plate said Ray and had 'the Uchiha family' and I took the collar and thanked the people. I went to Sasuke and gave him the collar for Ray "you got yourself a dog my love" I've told him and he burst out into happiness and hugged me then he kissed me on the lips. I've blushed as I kissed him back and we got to our home the Uchiha mansion and I saw Sasuke put the collar onto Ray. Ray tail started to wag and I saw my lover smile. "Babe there is something that I need to ask of you" I've said and he faced me "what is it darling?" He answered and I took a ring box out of my pocket and neiled down onto one knee and opened the ring box and there was a golden ring inside of the ring box and my lover looked shocked at what I was doing. "You know that we been together for a long time and that we've been dating for a long time as well, I was thinking about this for awhile now and wished to do this and he what you would say, Sasuke Uchiha my love, would you marry me?" I've asked him and he was burst into happy tears that I could tell.

~Sasuke P.o.v~
I've saw Itachi go onto one knee and asked me to marry him and I was bursting into happy tears. "YES!! A THOUSAND TIMES YES! I would marry you!" I've told him and he was so happy that I've said yes to him and he put the ring on my ring finger of my left hand and I jumped on top of him and kissed him multiple times and he kissed back every time. "I'm so happy that you said yes" he said to me "I'm happy that you asked me to marry you" I've replied and looked at him and held his hand in mine and he held my hand back. "Babe let me take you out to a beautiful dinner so we can eat and have a great time" he told me and I've let him do so. The night came so quick to even realize and my fiancé brought me home and I was so happy. We went to bed and I cuddled up to my lover and he cuddled me back as we went to sleep since it was a long and amazing day. The next morning we woke up together in bed "morning babe" he said to me "morning lovely" I've replied back to my fiancé. "Let me get up to make us breakfast so you don't have to get up" he said and it made me blush in embarrassment. "Okay babe" I've told him and he kissed me and I've kissed him back lovingly.

~Itachi's P.o.v~
I've got up to go make breakfast as my lover stayed in bed and Ray came to me and I've looked at him and he barked and I've got him some food to eat and he starts to eat and he drank some water. I've started to make breakfast for me and my lover and I've felt someone hug me from behind and I looked over to see my fiancé. "Oh babe you didn't have to get up from bed, I was going to bring it to you" I've told him and he got embarrassed. "Breakfast in bed sounds nice" he said and I've smiled and kissed him on the forehead "then go back to bed and I'll bring it to you once it's done" I've told him and he nods as he went back to bed blushing. 'He is so cute' I've thought to myself as I got the food ready for both me and my lover. Once I got done making breakfast I've brought it up to Sasuke and he was sound to sleep in bed since it did take thirty minutes for me to make the breakfast. I've woke my fiancé up sweetly and he wakes up and looks at me smiling "sorry that I fell back to sleep" he told me "it's alright babe I don't mind, you needed your rest" I've told him and he was so happy.

~to be continued~

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