Ten: History VS Destruction

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Hiro takes his place at the table, sitting in the red chair and looking at me as I stand in front of my chair, the bag sitting in front of me on the table. I open it, pulling out three phones and tossing two of them to Violet and Hiro. "My dad made these phones so that we'd always be able to get in contact with each other whether or not we had cell service. Came in great use when we were in ancient Egypt."

"This is a phone?" Violet asks, looking the rectangular object over.  Right, wireless hasn't been introduced yet.

"A version of one, yes."  Violet automatically opens it, slightly surprised by the touch screen but by the time Hiro or I speak again she learns how to use it, finding the Phone app and the Sea-Max app.  There are other apps, but those two are the most important. "I have no idea how well these phones will work with the phones in this time period, though. There's only one thing for certain when it comes to these devices and the sixties."

Violet raises an eyebrow at me, but Hiro's the one who continues. "We have to keep them from anyone we don't trust. These could change history if we aren't careful."

"Guys, your existences are changing history every day. Especially since you are both prodigies," Violet remarks, pointing to Sea-Max. "You guys are building this structure with machines that don't even have a name yet."

I take a second to think about it, and realize how right she is. "Touché, Visi." She rolls her eyes at my nickname for her but pays no mind otherwise.

"How else are we supposed to hunt down Obake?" Hiro states bluntly, folding his arms. "Yes, we're changing history, but Obake's goal is to destroy a city." My head whips over to him, and out of the corner of my eye I see Violet tense up. "He almost succeeded the first time, and if I were him, I'd see this time period as a new chance to reach my goal. The only reason why Obake failed last time was because my friends were there to help me stop him. I don't have the manpower or the resources to stop him at the last minute this time. We have to be five steps ahead of him this time or it's game over." With a sharp inhale, I take a step back from the table, looking around the room.

Of course.

"Then the sooner we fix the time machine, the sooner we can stop me from destroying time itself," I sigh, walking out of the meeting room without another word.

This is my fault.

I walk into Hiro's garage, looking at the wrecked machine and I walk over to it, grabbing my bag from the work table next to it and pulling out the blueprints I always kept with me. This is what made the time machine. There has to be some way to make sense of this. I get to work, using Hiro's music speaker to play his playlist and I just hope. I hope that being my father's son is enough to get this thing to work. I was never the kid who built, but I was the kid who could understand any tech I came across, so I just hope that it's enough.

It seems like hours pass by, and I'm sure Hiro's playlist loops around back to the beginning before someone walks in, pausing the music.

"You know, you paused on a really good song," I mention, never once taking my eyes off my work.

"Wilbur, it's one in the morning. You need to sleep." At the sound of the voice, I stop my work and look at Violet, raising an eyebrow.

"Visi, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be home with your family?" I ask, getting off the underneath of the machine and sitting up. Violet holds out a hand to help me up and I gladly accept it.

"I thought it best to stay and help cheer up my boys," Visi sighs, brushing her hands off as I use a hand to get the hair out of my face. Yeah, I haven't been able to get my hair under control. When the brand of your favorite hair gel doesn't exist yet, it makes for a bad hair day. "Look, Wilbur. I know what you're thinking." I give her a look before eyeing the machine. Hiro is doing a good job on it. Hopefully I'm not screwing it up.  "It's not your fault. It's not even your fault the darned thing malfunctioned." She puts a hand on my shoulder, as if begging me to look at her as she turns her head to meet my eyes. "You may not have your father here to help, but you have people here who can help. Hiro has been working tirelessly, and so have I. We will fix this machine, and even if we don't fix it in time we will stop this guy, whatever his name is." She leans against an undamaged part of the machine in front of me. When she smiles at me, I can't help but smile back. After a second of silence, she chuckles to herself.

"What?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Why Visi?" She asks, almost full blown laughing now. I can't help but laugh too, and after a moment I answer her.

"I have no idea what to call you, so I just came up with a name myself." She nods at my response. "Do you not like it?"

"No, I like it." Without further ado, she stands straight and looks at the blueprints spread out on the work table. "Want any help?"

"Sure," I chuckle and the two of us get to work, mainly consisting of her handing me the wrenches and describing me the blueprints so I don't have to constantly look at them.

At one in the morning, she's helping me build something she doesn't even understand, and I'm letting her. I guess I do have a team here.

1022 words

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