Three: More Damage

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Something clangs against Ultra's force field, surprising UltraViolet and I.  Quickly, I whip around to look behind me, reaching into my pocket and finding something I am very grateful for.  "Who's there!?"  I yell, keeping an eye on Ultra.  Putting on my gloves, I silently curse the smoke for blocking my vision.  Without waiting I turn on my gloves and when they activate, they get bigger to reveal the technology these gloves really have and I feel just slightly safer.

"The real question is, who are you?"  The sharp voice asks as a blade cuts through the air, nearly missing my cowlick.  I'm able to dodge, UltraViolet's force field failing and dissipating.  Ultra collapses on the floor, and as I run to her, I hear a cackle echo around me.  When the attacker shows herself, I am already holding UltraViolet up with a glove pointed towards the woman.  This woman with the black and blue hair, her sword so thin it's see-through, is grinning at me.  "Interesting.  I've never seen someone with quite as fast reflexes as you've just shown me."  She races to strike me again, but I'm faster as I fire a shockwave, knocking her back through an open door, and I wait ten seconds before deciding that she isn't coming back.

"Violet, are you okay?"  I cough out, the smoke burning my lungs.

"It's UltraViolet to you," she mutters out, but I just roll my eyes.  That is not important right now.  How did that woman break through her barrier?

"Can you still put up a barrier?  And are you able to walk?"  She nods as she puts the barrier up, coughing slightly before shaking her head and pulling herself awake.

"I'm fine, we should keep going if we're going to stop this fire."

"Ah, so that's the real reason you dragged me up here."   I smirk as she rolls her eyes, but we keep going.

"Who was that?"  I ask as we reach the next floor, the smoke dissipating.

Ultra shrugs, climbing up the stairs ahead of me and weaving through various debris.  "How am I supposed to know?  I don't know everyone."  She pauses, thinking for a moment.  "Her sword... that's a level of technology I've never seen before.  Is she from your time?  Maybe you know her."

"I don't know everyone from my time," I retort, surprised she's taking my time travel story seriously.  "Does this mean you believe me?"  She remains silent, refusing to answer me as we continue on to the next floor.

Turns out, the woman with the blue and black hair isn't the only one up here to attack us.  A man screaming about candy came after us, but he disappeared right before our eyes, and then there were a few people just looking lost, some of them seeming to be from different eras and I knew.  The Time Machine was on the fritz bringing people from other times to the crash.  How it could possibly do this befuddles me, but I know the only one who even has a chance to stop it is me.  And with all the smoke but no fire from the previous floor, I could only assume the fire was also from another time and we were only getting the smoke.  Long story short, when I get home, I am so dead.  The only reason I know I haven't changed too much is because I haven't been sucked up into a time vortex yet.  At the least, these changes are fixable.  I have to do it soon.

The closer UltraViolet and I get closer to the Time Machine, the more time fragments we come across.  Ultra and I came across people from other times lost and unsure of where they were, including a woman with black and red hair, reminding me of the woman with black and blue hair.   Thankfully, we also found what seems to be cracks in space that they came from and sent as many people back as we could.  Ultra's brother Dash even helped by escorting the ones we couldn't get home out of the building.  It's very possible their portals had closed on their own before we could get them back to their time.  We came across a man in a spider costume from as far into the future as imaginable to a young girl with long, blonde hair seeming to be from a time with kings and queens, talking about lanterns.  The closer we got to our goal the more erratic the time fragments became, and I'm sure at this point UltraViolet believed me with all these different people, but this only meant we needed to get to the Machine as soon as possible to shut it down.   The more time fragments that show up, the more the timeline changes and the longer I'm grounded.  Or worse, erased from existence.

Needless to say, when we finally got to the Time Machine, not only were we exhausted but the time fragments were popping up everywhere- every five feet only to disappear seconds later, and any sane person could tell that the portals were becoming unstable.  If we weren't careful, even we could get sucked in and lose every chance of returning everything to normal.  Here, there was definitely no fire, and the only damage being a broken window and a smoking time machine.  With the way the machine shakes, it's still active and failing to put a bubble around itself, so its attempts to travel time spreading to its surroundings.  The room we had just entered was already practically empty, the Time Machine in the center of all of it.  I have to power it down.

With the time fragments sucking everything into the portals, I have to scream over the wind just so that Ultra can hear me. "I have to shut it down!"  I tell her, holding onto the door to keep myself from being sucked in.

"How!?  Any closer and you're going to get sucked into one of those things!"  She yells back, gesturing to the portals.

"That... that is an excellent question!"  I answer before facing the time machine.  Any minute and those portals are going to self destruct.  "You stay here!  I'll maneuver around the portals."

"No, I'm coming with!"  UltraViolet moves to join me but I hold her back, giving her a look.

"It's not your job to clean my mess."  With that I shove her back out of the room and shut the door on her, locking it.  Facing the Time Machine, with only my havoc gloves on me, I start brainstorming.  "What have I done?"  I ask myself, seeing the effects of the Time Machine face to face.

Unknown POV

Looking on, in this new place, I smirk.  Judging by the computers, I'd say I'm in the 1960's.  A far place from home.  Of course, this doesn't stop my plans.  Or rather, stop me from making a new plan.  With what I know, I can easily rebuild, and this is the perfect decade to start over.  No one to get in my way.  Yes, and since I got to take a good look at that machine, I believe I could even use the technology to create one of my own, then I would have my advantage.  With everyone running around, evacuating everyone around the flaming skyscraper, I can't help but smirk at the idea of all this destruction.  Don't worry, whatever this town is.

This damage is nothing compared to what I will do.

A/N: couldn't find many this time around, but I'm on my phone, so I'm sure there are still one or two on here. Can you find any? Let me know by commenting, and don't forget to vote!

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