New Beginnings

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"Hanna, breakfast!"
The lock on her suitcase closed with a click.
"Coming, mum!"
Today was the day she might've feared the most. Going back to school. It was Hanna's seventh year, oldest amongst her two younger brothers. Her mother, Alison Spicer, worked at the Ministry of Magic while Hanna's father stayed at the pub day and night. Barely seeing his own children.

Hanna came down to smell the wonderful scent of pancakes, and the strong smell of chocolate. Two small kids ran past her, nearly knocking her over.

"Calm down you two, there's enough to go around!" she heard her mother say.
"Thanks mum, you're the best!" Hanna yelled, delighted as the chocolate syrup went down her throat.
"Where's daddy?" one of the boys questioned. Quickly, Alison's smile turned into a frown. " Probably out drinking as usual" she huffed.

Hanna gave her a big hug reassuring her everything was going to be okay. After that, Hanna went upstairs to change and grab her belongings before heading into the car. To one destination, Platform 9 3/4.

Hanna hurried on while her mother and brothers waved her goodbye for the fifth time. She quickly found Charlotte, her best friend, and settled into a compartment.

They noticed a man sleeping under a cloak pulled up to his nose. " My head's banging, I hope we leave the station soon." Charlotte said, seeming tired.

Soon enough, the train started up and was gaining speed across bridges. Hanna unzipped one of her massive suitcases and pulled out a book. "What ya reading, Han?" "Just one of my mum's muggle books. It's awesome!" Hanna admitted, admiring the front cover.
"What's it about?" Charlotte curiously asked.
"A girl falling in love with her teacher."she replied.

The train suddenly come to a halt and her book went flying across the compartment.
The windows started freezing up and soon the electricity became a minimum.
"We can't be there already!?" Hanna says reaching for the door. She opens it and peers outside, like many others have done. Nothing seems abrupt so she decides to sit down.

A few minutes later, a black ghost like creature comes up to the door and opens it, making Charlotte panic. Soon, it starts sucking the souls out of the two girls and then..
Black was all she could see. Her ears were ringing. She felt like she was going to throw up.

She felt someone grab her hand. A rough bumpy hand. She opened her eyes and saw Charlotte. And the man.

"Are you okay?" the man asked.
"I'm fine. My head isn't though." Hanna replied while she let the man help her up.

"What was that thing?!" Charlotte said, looking scared.
"That was a dementor. They were searching to try and find Sirius Black." he answered. "Here eat this, it helps." He handed her three squares of chocolate.
She nibbled on it subtly.

Charlotte was asking him more questions while Hanna was slowly admiring his looks. He has caramel soft brown hair and a neat stubble with a little on the upper lip. His lips were chapped and he had silvery lines going throughout his face. He also had bright ocean eyes that were glinting from the sun reflecting.

"Helloooo?? Earth to Hanna!"
Hanna dropped her gaze wuickly and suddenly. " You've been staring, Hanna" Charlotte stated, trying to hold back giggles. " Sorry, just deep in thought".
Hanna lied, trying to cover up the fact she thought he was admirable.

After a few more minutes of talking, they arrived at Hogwarts. Hagrid leading all the first years, while the rest went their own way. They soon made it into the hall, where the first years were being sorted. Hanna slumped onto the table of Hufflepuff, while Charlotte joined sitting next to her.

"May I introduce, your new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher.. Welcome, Professor R.J.Lupin." He stood and took a shy bow nodding to all the students.

His gaze met Hanna's and he slowly started staring. He stopped for a second before smiling back to her and giving her a small wink before the feast began.

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