The Trip

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Hanna woke up to Charlotte standing over her, she jumped. "Bloody hell, Charlotte!" Hanna said, rubbing her eyes. It had been a few days since Remus attacked her, without knowing.

Charlotte sat down on Hanna's bed and Hanna got up. She walked over to her desk, where her makeup and studying books were placed. She looked in the mirror. The marks on her face, once cuts, had turned into scars like Remus had. She smiled. " Hanna? We're gonna be late!" Charlotte grabbed her bag and beckoned Hanna to get hers. They rushed along the corridors to the Great Hall. They sat down at the Hufflepuff Table, panting. She looked over to Remus' chair to give him the daily smile, but he wasn't there. She was confused, maybe he was recovering from a full moon..? She ate her breakfast and headed back to the dorm to grab her books. She was alone as Harry couldn't keep his lips off Charlotte. She was humming a song to herself whilst deep in thought. She walked through the courtyard, making her way to Hagrid's lesson. She turned the corner and felt hands round her. They pulled her back and behind the stone brick wall. It was a rough pull, but soft at the same time. She was about to shout at the person, as she was going to be late for class, but then she met the blue eyes of no other than Remus Lupin. She hugged him tight, as she hadn't seen him for a few days. He hugged her back, before kissing her passionately. "I missed you, Darling." he said in a whisper. "I missed you more, Rem."

Remus hugged her again and whispered, "Hanna?"

"Yes Remus?" she said, smiling.

He suddenly pulled her out of the tight space and led her to the Forbidden Forest. He put his hands on her waist and she followed. "Hanna, tomorrow is the day we go to Paris. You still up to it?."

"Of course, anywhere with you." she said smiling up at him. He put his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her in closer. They shared a soft, kiss.


The Next Day:

Hanna woke up to her alarm clock at 5am, ringing violently. She heard the Hufflepuff girls stirring, so she quickly turned the blaring machine off. It was Saturday morning. Lupin and Hanna had planned to meet by the courtyard and apparate to Paris. She remembered he said "Wear a dress, darling." So, she walked over to her closet. She couldn't find anything good except an old yellow baggy dress. She decided to look in Charlotte's closet, as she was always partying.

She found a lace red dress and black heels. She put her hair in a bun and headed out of the dormitory. Hanna quickly found herself in the courtyard, and there he was. He walked over to her and looked shocked at what she was wearing. "Do you like it ?" she asked. "No, I love it!" he took her in his arms and picked her up. She wrapped her legs round his waist and he chuckled. "You really are something, Hanna." he said, looking into her eyes. His gaze dropped to her lips and she giggled. He kissed her slowly, yet fast. They realized students would be getting up at this time, so they decided now was the time to go. He held out his hand and she placed hers ontop.

She opened her eyes, and saw the lit-up Eiffel Tower. She didn't know much about the Muggle World but thought this was extraordinary.

He took her hand in his and started walking towards a restaurant called La Truffiéré. They both walked in, hand in hand, and was greeted by a muggle waiter. He was speaking, in french, to Lupin. Which to Hanna's surprise, he seemed to know very well. The waiter gathered the two to a candlelit table and Remus pulled out the chair for Hanna to sit in.

Once she had sat, and smiled up at him, the waiter handed both of them fancy menu's and walked away. Hanna couldn't recognise the French and Remus helped her translate it. Soon enough, the waiter appeared in front of them.
"What would you like, Darling?" Lupin asked her, whilst stroking her hand.
Hanna took a deep breath. " J'aurai les spaghettis à la bolognaise et un peu d'eau, s'il vous plaît." "I would like a Spaghetti Bolognese with a small water, please."

She looked at Remus. He was beaming, proud of Hanna.
Remus ordered and the waiter shuffled off. "That was quite impressive, love." She smiled, and her heart skipped a beat. "You taught me, Professor!" she said giggling. He laughed, while gripping her hand tightly. Their food came shortly after and they began tucking in. "Thank you for this, Remus." she said, her head tilted to the side. "Only for the best, love."
she blushed hard. They had quickly finished and Hanna reached into her bag. Remus glanced over and saw her grab a few dollar notes to put on the tray. She propped herself up against the chair and placed the money on the table. Remus grabbed the notes and neatly, placed it back into her wallet. Then he searched around his bag and found a €20. "Don't worry about paying, love." He said while placing the money on the tray. After the waiter had come and taken the money, Hanna grabbed her bag and Remus' hand and they walked out smiling at each other. They found a park with a lake and settled on a big bench. Hanna was laying her head on Remus' shoulder and he had his arms round her. "Darling..?" he said smiling. She looked up at him, nodding. "When I woke up on the train, you were infront of me. You were sitting cross legged on the seat, laughing. Obviously, you didn't know I was awake. I saw you weren't wearing your robes so I thought you were another new soul. I just remember thinking that you looked so beautiful and when I found out you actually were a student, I felt so guilty."
"Awe, you thought I was beautiful? And don't feel guilty because look where we are now." Hanna said, snuggling up against him. They heard kids talking and the parents guiding them home as the time got later. Hanna looked up at him, he was looking mesmerised at a little girl with braids.

They found themselves walking towards a big hotel with windows all over the place.
They walked up some stairs to a room they had been assigned and unlocked it.
"I think i'm gonna have a shower, darling." he said, walking towards the bathroom. "Okay, love!" Hanna said. She slumped herself down on the sofa and pulled a blanket over her exposed stomach. The dress was starting to become tight so she got up and walked towards what would be her and Remus' bed for a weekend. She got into some pjs and climbed into their bed. She was falling asleep and heard the shower stop. She heard footsteps, walking towards where she was. The door opened softly, and in walked a dripping Remus'. His top half was bare and you could see his many scars while he was sporting a pair of grey jogging bottoms. He leant against the wall and looked over to a sleeping Hanna. He walked over, as quiet as he could and leant down beside her. He kissed her lightly on her forehead and whispered into her ear, " Goodnight, Darling. I love you."

He then walked over to his wardrobe and picked out a black shirt. He put it on and got in next to Hanna, his hand around her waist.
He yawned, and fell asleep.

Darling// Professor Lupin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now