Full Moons

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Hanna sat up in her cozy, four poster bed. She didn't want to get up. It was Saturday, she felt relieved she didn't have classes today. But then, she thought of Remus.
He'd be quite weak today. The full moon was coming.

She got up and put on some jeans and a yellow spotty jumper.
She hesitated before leaving, looking over at Charlotte's bed. She was fast asleep.
She quietly unlocked the door and left the Hufflepuff Tower.

She headed towards the DADA classroom and knocked on the door. She heard a croaky voice say, "Come in." She then opened the door, closing it behind her, and walked towards him.

He looked drained of his energy and rather pale. "Look Remus, there's nothing you can do to stop me being there for you this full moon. I want to help."

Remus looked at her with a half smile but quickly said "I don't want to hurt you Darling."
"I'll be fine, I want to help you." she pulled him into a hug and rubbed his shoulder, reassuringly.

He kissed her again softly. While he kissed her, Remus put his hands round her waist and pushed her up against the wall slowly. His lips trailed off hers to her neck and left big blue spots.
"I love you, Remus." she said while he was kissing her neck. He looked up, into her eyes and responded, "I love you more, Hanna."

Soon enough, they finished making out and Remus was looking at a letter he had in his hands. "Sorry to be nosy, but what's that letter say?" Hanna asked, pointing to his hands. Remus blushed. He walked over to her and handed her it. It was taped up in an envelope and she carefully opened it.
It read:
Dearest Hanna,
I love you, Dear. That's why I wanted to ask if, after the full moon, maybe you wanted to come to a muggle city called Paris next week. I booked a restaurant and was wanting to know if the love of my life wanted to join me. Nobody knows us there, we can be ourselves! No more Miss Spicer or "Professor"! Feeling up to it?
Yours only,
- R.L🤍
She looked up at him and realised he had a bunch of roses in his hands. "So, will you?" he asked, looking into her eyes.
"Yes! Of course! she ran into his arms and gave him a hug. He hugged her tight before checking his watch. "As much as I love our little "chats", you might want to think about getting back to your dorm." Remus said, looking rather sad. She understood. "Of course, Remus."

After that, Hanna realised that she'd been gone 1 hour and a half! She gave Lupin a goodbye kiss on the cheek, grabbed the roses, and ran to the library. Picked out a joke book, then ran back to the dorm. Charlotte was at her dressing table. Hanna walked in quietly.
"Who's lover boy?" Charlotte said, while applying lipgloss.
Oh shoot, she saw the roses.
"Oh, just a boy from DADA."
She wasn't really lying, was she?
"Uh huh." Charlotte said, turning round.
"You look great, Charlotte!" Hanna said, with a smile.
"Changing the subject ain't gonna work with me! Cmon, tell me!" Charlotte sat on Hanna's bed and beckoned her to join her.
I hate lying to you, Charlotte, okay?

"You mustn't tell anybody. You could get him fired." Charlotte gasped. "You're seeing a teacher?!" Hanna put a hand over her mouth. "Sorry." Charlotte replied, still confused.
"Which teacher?" Charlotte asked.
"Lupin." Charlotte gasped again. "That explains you going missing!"
She turned to a whisper, "Ya banged yet?" Charlotte said with a smirk. "No, not yet, Charlotte." she replied laughing.

It was getting closer. Night time. Lupin wasn't in the Great Hall. "He's changing tonight." Hanna mumbled to herself. She wasn't going to tell Charlotte he was a werewolf. She didn't ask.

All the Hufflepuffs ran into their tower, it was quite dark. Hanna walked behind with Charlotte, carrying multiple books. They were walking across the courtyard. Luckily, they had practically memorised the Hogwarts corridors as they couldn't see over the big, heavy books. They soon got to the tower, worn out.

Charlotte fell straight asleep while Hanna was lying down in PJs. Remus.
She sprung up and grabbed her jeans and sweater, chucking them on while tying her shoelaces.
Hanna ran out the tower where she heard howling. By the Shrieking Shack.
I don't want to hurt you, darling.
She replayed his words in her head.
Hanna then mumbled, " I don't care if you hurt me, I'm here."
She ran out to the green where she soon saw the Shack. A grey, skinny creature was crawling out of it. It howled once more before seeing Hanna.
Hanna moved closer, slowly.
"Remus..?" She said softly while he crawled up to her.
He belted full speed at her. Hanna stayed put and felt pain.

She woke up to the sound of a trolley.
Then, saw Madam Pomfrey with tissue. Dabbing at her face, carefully.

Hanna jumped up. "Madam Pomfrey, what am I doing here?" She said, her head hurting.
"Oh hello dear, you gave us all a shock! Minerva was on a walk, said she found you laying on the grass. You've lost quite a bit of blood."

"Is Rem-, I mean Professor Lupin okay?" Hanna mumbled.
"He's fine. Can't remember a single thing." Madam Pomfrey said.
Hanna reached over to the trolley where a mirror was. She picked it up and looked at her face. She has scratch marks over her whole face. She gasped at the sight and they hurt at the touch.
She put the mirror down and heard running. She looked over to the door where a pale Remus stood. "I'll leave you two to talk." Pomfrey got up and pushed the trolley out.

Remus ran over to Hanna. He cupped her face. "Oh darling, what have I done to you?! I'm so sorry!" he hugged her tight.
"It's alright, I like them. They'll soon be like yours." she smiled at him. He went in to kiss her and she put her hand behind his neck, to pull him closer.

He had a different smell this time. He smelt like lavender and cinnamon. She pulled back, slowly. "You know what, Remus. Your scars are incredibly hot." Remus blushed and soon replied, "Thank you, dear." he kissed her on the forehead and got up. They heard footsteps.
Dumbledore walked in, followed by McGonagall. "Ah, you're here to sack me, aren't you?" Remus replied, looking at the floor.
Dumbledore replied, " Not today, Lupin. It is not your fault. It's Snape's fault. He admitted to purposely forgetting to give you your potion." Remus looked very relieved. "Thank you sir, now if you'll excuse me. I have some homework to mark." He said. As he rounded the corner, he gave her a wink.
"I'm glad you're okay, Hanna." McGonagall put a hand on Hanna's shoulder, reassuringly. She quickly left after that, and then it was her and Dumbledore. " I see you and Lupin are close." Hanna started blushing. "It's quite obvious, he practically admires you in class."
"Please don't fire him." Hanna mumbled.
Dumbledore laughed. "He's a friend of mine, Lupin's been through alot. He deserves a girl to think about." he smiled at Hanna. "I'd better get going, rest up Hanna." he said and he disappeared into the corridor.
She smiled to herself.

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