I love you, Darling.

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It has been 4 months since Remus handed in his resignation and he asked Hanna to move in with him, now that she isn't his student. Today, she is meeting up with Charlotte in London.
"Can we go to Starbucks? I need a coffee urgently!" Hanna said, linking arms with Charlotte. "Okay, okay. Let's go to Starbucks."

They sat at a table holding a warm cup in their hands while talking. "So, how is living with Lupin going?" Charlotte asked,  sipping at her coffee.
"Fine. He's really not a morning person but overall it's pretty great." Hanna replied, her cheeks tinting pink.
Charlotte smiled at her.
" Han, I kinda need to tell you something.." Hanna nodded at her.
"Harry hasn't worked out.." She lowered her voice.
"Because.. I'm kinda seeing Luna Lovegood at the moment.." Hanna's face lit up with joy. "Oh my, that's great! Wow, Charlotte I'm so happy for you!" She got up and hugged her tight.
The days flew by in a blast and it soon turned to a year since Hogwarts.

Hanna and Remus were together walking by the lake near their house.
Remus took her hand in his, quickly. "Darling?"
"Would you like to go on a boat ride?"
"That would be fun, but there aren't any boats around here." Hanna said, half smiling.
"Turn around, love."
She turned to see a medium sized paddle boat that had rainbow stripes on the side and a metal railing going around it.
Hanna gasped in excitement and threw her arms around Remus. "I love you, Remus!!"
"I love you more, Hanna."
She smiled up at him before he took her hand. He helped her onto the rocky boat and Hanna had never been more excited in her life. He then climbed on himself and started rowing.

Soon, they made themselves to the centre of the lake where the bare black sky was exposed, a few golden stars here and there.

The sea was glinting with the reflection of the glowing stars. Hanna was so busy looking around her, she didn't notice Remus getting up. She looked over to him. He was crouching on the floor of the boat, on one knee. "Oh my god!" Hanna said, her hand over her mouth.
Remus laughed. "When I first saw you, I thought you were an intriguing girl with a great deal of smartness and looks. But I was never prepared for the way you'd come into my life and change it for the best. I love you. I love you more than life. Hanna Spicer, will you marry me?" Remus was smiling wider than he had ever smiled. "Of course, Remus!" He sat back down in his seat and Hanna came and sat down next to him. He put his arm around her and was rocking her.

Hanna soon felt exhausted and fell asleep in Remus' arms. He docked the boat and, again, carried her bridal style to her bedroom. He got her changed from her jeans into some loose jogging bottoms and a crop top, before placing her gently onto her bed. He tucked her up and placed a kiss on her forehead, then got in beside her and fell soon fast asleep.

~<3 weeks later>~

"I still can't believe you're getting married to Lupin!" Charlotte said, while trying on a tight fitting bridesmaid dress. " Yeah, he's so amazing Charlotte!" Hanna said, walking out of the dressing room to show Charlotte the big poofy princess dress she planned on wearing.

Charlotte's jaw dropped. "OMG It's gorgeous, Han! He's gonna love it!" Hanna blushed profusely.
The day had come.
The Wedding Day.
Hanna found herself standing next to Remus.

"Do you take Hanna Jen Spicer to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Remus looked at her proudly before saying, "I do."
"I now call you husband and wife!"
All the guests were clapping as Remus pulled her close and kissed her, gently but passionately. Hanna's mum was there, and looked happier than ever. She divorced Hanna's father and was looking rather happy with a tall man in a tuxedo.
She came over to give Hanna a hug and congratulate the two.

"Hanna, you gotta throw the bouquet!" Hanna's mom said. She turned around and threw it as hard as she could. She turned to watch the happy couple catch it and saw Charlotte blushing. Luna had caught the bouquet. Charlotte grabbed Luna by the hand and kissed her also.
It was a very lovely day.

It is now 6 years later and Charlotte, Luna, Remus and Hanna have all come to meet up in London. Hanna looked surprise when she saw a little head poke from behind Charlotte's leg. "Surprise! We have a little boy!" Luna said, happily. "Well we have some news too!" Hanna pointed to a little girl sitting happily on Remus' shoulders. The little girl waved at the little boy and then they became friends instantly. "I have something else to tell you, guys!" Hanna handed Charlotte a folded over piece of paper.
"No way! Love, look!" Luna looked and gasped. "You're having another baby!"
Remus beamed at Hanna. "We've already found out it is a girl and picked a name!" Remus said, looking very happy. "We've decided on Lottie Luna Lupin!"
"I love it!" Charlotte said, smiling so eagerly.
There it was, they both had a family now. But they stayed the best of friends.
Charlotte loved Luna and Luna loved Charlotte. Remus loved Hanna and Hanna loved Remus.
3 words.
3 words it can take to melt somebodies heart.
3 words to make them glow.
I Love You.
Remus liked it differently;
I Love You, Darling.

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