The royal hide and seek federation ?

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after boring car ride-
Where sitting on the lounge completely bored out of our mind "wanna play hide and seek and zeek can be in???" "If zeeks in im playing" dre shouts and the others say yeah "count to 50 zebra" I said while running ,I run into the kitchen and scale the fridge and I sit up the top and cross my legs funny the boys never look up here "47 48 49 50 here I come" zeek shouts "found ya Sam and Joshy" he says almost straight away
"Found ya dre, carter and Tyler" they come in the kitchen and look every where and they don't look up
-30 mis later -
"WHERE THE HELL ARE ARIA" zeek shouts "do you think she left" Tyler asks "let's call her" dre says evilly idiots I also hid my phone seriously you think I'm that stupid and they here ringing from outside and they run out so I decide to play with them there's paper up here so I write a note
If you ever want to see your precious Arianna again look harder
-signed the hide and seek federation
And I folded it up in a areoplane and it will unfold once it hits ground and I throw it at the table then the boys walk in "guys there's a note" Sam said concerned I tap in morse coding telling Sam and Tyler to make the others believe it's real "ohh I have herd of the hide and seek federation if the hiders it awesome" Tyler says and dre believes it "alright aria we give up" carter says "hey guys" and they look up at the fridge "WHAT THE HECK ARIA HOW THE CRABCAKES DID YOU GET UP THERE" josh asks shouting "as I told you I'm batman" I said jumping off "haha I win you suck" I said shouting at zeek
"let's play truth or dare" josh suggests and we all agree

"Alright Tyler truth or dare" josh asks
"Hmm truth" ty replys
"What are you scared of" josh asks
"Spiders mainly and aria beating us at sport" ty said and we laugh
"Ari truth or dare"
"Dare" I said proudly
"Go interpret Ryan's make out session" ty says