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Hi there,
I haven't used this book in a while but

Sooooo I'm doing a QnA but this one I'll be special because I'll do it with one of my friend @Tiffytruc0. We are both going to create a special book, it will be where we answer. And every time we will do something together we'll use this book. Feel free to talk with us with this book, its basically your book.So for the questions! You'll ask your questions on the comment of this post. With Tiffy we'll choose the most questions possibles (ask about us, our books, anything but not too personal please). Then we'll answer some questions on MY book and the rest will be answered in HER book. So it's a 2 part QnA. You can start with her book or mine that doesn't matter.Please check out her account and her books.(and here put a sentence to finish like thank everyone or kisses, as you want.)

I don't expect this to get many views but any questions will be taken.

Ily all and tyy for looking at this notification

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