Chapter 8

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I was trapped in solitude for the next couple of days, it was hard to keep track of the time passing. Each day it felt like the walls were closing in on me. I needed to be out in the open sky, being free. My body felt like it was being crushed into a ball, as my wings lay useless and frustrated by my sides. Each day food and water was sent into the small room. And each day I refused it. 

I sat on my bed, my back leaning against the wall for support as my wings spread out either side. My legs tucked into my stomach. I felt weak and pathetic, partly because I haven't eaten in about seven days. But the main reason was that I couldn't stop thinking about Daniel. My whole body ached for him, my chest was cradling a broken heart. I knew he wouldn't come for me, he didn't feel the same way about me. The Elders would never let him risk his life for me. Not that I wanted him to, I would never ask for that. I was so unworthy of him, I shouldn't be thinking about him. He is probably happy at home, in a large house with a careless mind. While my soul begged for him and the smell of his brunette hair engulfed me. 

He had tried to break the mental wall I had forged to keep him from communicatying with me mentally for a few days and nights. But he must have got the hint and realised I wasn't going to answer him. Although it took every ounce of my being to resist his silky, reassuring voice. 

The snap of a lock pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked to the iron door with lazy eyes. Falcon strode into the chamber with Harris scurrying behind him like a dog. I silenced a growl.

My eyes locke with Falcons menacing, red eyes. He looked very content, too content. I pushed my legs down and nervously placed my hands on my lap. This couldn't be anything good. My thoughts raced as I realised this could be about Daniel! What if they found him! I could feel the blood drain from my face. 

"Kite! I heard you haven't been eating the food provided for you?" Falcon asked folding his strong arms. His brow furrowed as he awaited my answer.

"No, I'm not hungry." I replied honestly, my voice shakier than I had expected. 

"Well then, you shall join me tonight for dinner. Perhaps i can entice you to something a little tastier." He stated with a devilish smile. I could feel my skin crawling. 

"No thanks." I muttered, looking away from him and momentarily meeting Harris's golden eyes before tearing myself away from his stare. 

Falcon gave a fake smile and walked over to Harris. His grey wings jutting out in frustration. I watched cautiously. He placed a pale hand on Harris shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze. Harris winced slightly under his grasp. 

"If you do not accompany me, then I will kill your brother." He smiled.

Harris's face whitened, as he turned to Falcon in complete shock. He was going to say something but one flicker from Falcon's blood-eyes silenced him.

The words were cold and as hard as stone. I hate Harris for what he is done, but I would not have him die at my feet. How could I be sure this wasn't some trick into making me go?

"Ha go ahead, you would be doing me a favour." I hissed through my teeth. My words sounding more sincere than I had hoped. Harris's face crumbled slightly, before putting back on the mask he cloaks himself in now-a-days.

Falcon gave me a quick nod, he then pulled out a dagger from his black cloak and pulled his arm back. Before he could deliver the fatal blow that was aimed for Harris's heart I let out a shout.

All attention fell on me again, Harris looked scared and relieved. His eyes bulging with shock. Falcon's edgy eyes looked disappointed, as if he wanted me to be a killer.

"I will go!" I rushed out looking at the ground. I hate Harris for this, I should have let him die. 

"Excellent! Sparrow will help you to prepare for dinner." Falcon said stepping closer to the bed I was still perched on. My body recoiled from him. 

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