Chapter 2

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I found myself more nervous than I thought I would be, swallowing hard I walked into the large hall. A large round table took centre stage in the room, around it four elders sat debating something. 

One with beady black eyes glared at me with a shocked and territorial face.

"What are you doing here!" he croaked, while shooting out of his chair. His black wings spreading to try and make himself look more threatening. But it didn't fool me, his wrinkled face gave way to the fact that he was a very old man. I was surprised he could even stand. 

It wasn't the elders I was afriad of, it was their guards. Huge muscular men stood in a circle shadowed by the dark walls. Waiting for the signal of their masters to 'escort' me out. 

All four white haired heads focused their eyes on me. Waiting for me to speak. My mouth went dry, I coughed to try and loosen my throat. 

"Elders, I come before you today to tell you of something I..saw." I barely whispered.

"Come forward child." Another elder said to me gesturing with his stiff hand to come towards him. 

His face looked softer than the the other elder who barked at me, I made no mistake of his guards watching me intently though.

I walked towards them quickly, my wings rustling nervously. I stopped when I stood beside the old man who summoned me. 

"What was it you saw, my dear?" he asked, with what seemed a genuine smile. 

"I saw a human, in my a vision." I replied, realising how crazy I sounded. 

"The Gods! How dare you speak of them, lying through your teeth!" the beady eyes man snarled. 

I gave him a stern look. The word 'lying' was something I never had in my vocabulary. I never lied. 

"I am no liar, Sir. And I would appreciate if you would not accuse me of being one." I growled through clenched teeth.

I seen a slight flicker of surprise in his eyes, then he composed himself again and took his seat. 

"Easy, brother. We do not know of what she saw. Perhaps this child did see a human, in her dreams maybe?" the kinder elder said to me, waiting for my reply.

"It wasn't a dream. I was flying and when it happened and it nearly killed me. My wings stopped working, I had no control and nearly hit the ground." I retorted with a little aggitation laced through my words.

A tension grew through the room. All the elders faces were suddenly paler, as if someone had smacked them accross the face. I found guilty pleasure looking at the beady-eyed one.

"Manx, it's happened. It's real." One of the other elders whispered in shock to the beady-eyed elder. So Manx is his name.

"What's real?" I interrupted, not caring if Manx protested or not.

"Verreaux, It could be a trick." Manx said purposely loud so I would hear, to the elder I stood beside. I found it strange that none of my people knew their individual names.

I looked to Verreaux, his eyes were wide and a small O shaped his mouth. 

"Sir, I thought you could help me. If you cannot I will leave." I said quietly, managing to sound sincere. 

His off-yellow eyes looked me with a cold, hard stare. I felt a cold sensation grab my arm. My wings flinched at the touch, I looked down to see his hand on my arm. I shivered.

"What is your name?" he asked, barely able to speak.

"Kite." I replied with uncertainty, I wanted to leave. Now. 

"You are the Chosen one." He gasped.

I looked at him with complete confusion. 

"What do you mean?" I managed to ask.

"You seen the human that will be he key to our salvation, you must go to him and retrieve him! Only you can connect with him." He smiled insanely. 

I took the new information in and tried to process it, I felt the weight of my civilisation crushing me. It was impossible, I  was a simple hunter. I was not destined for greatness.

You are destined for greatness... a raspy voice loomed in the back of my head. It was the human. 

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