Chapter 13

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I walked out onto the sturdy branch just outside my door. The bright sun kissed my skin and the soft gentle breeze rustled my feathers. My wings spread out in excitement. I looked behind me for Daniel, he nervously placed one foot after another. Inching himself towards me. His back hunched over and his arms spread out looking for something to hold onto. I grabbed his hand and steadied him. He gave me a thankful smile straightened up.

“Are you OK?” I asked him, looking intently into his beautiful eyes. He looked a little wobbly and slightly paler.

“Er… I’m afraid of heights.” He laughed and held my hand a little tighter as the laugh shook his body, leaving him unsteady again. I took a step back towards him and he latched both of his hands onto my forearms. I looked him straight into his eyes, grey matching green and gave him a comforting solid look.

“I won’t let you fall.” I promised him, in more meanings than one.  His smile softened and I could feel his body straighten and relax a little.

“Now, let’s see this eagle of yours.” I smiled, excited to see this animal for myself. A boyish smile formed on his sweet lips, and his eyes glistened with wonder. I took a mental picture of this moment, I had never seen him so in awe before. He was like a small child with a new toy. My heart warmed at the sight of his glowing face.

He pulled out a whistle that was hung around his neck, a small wood-carved splint. His chest expanded as he took in a lungful of the fresh, pine air and put his lips to the whistle and released a long, high-pitched ring. The bell-like noise hung in my ears for a few moments after he was finished. Silence filled the forest for a few moments. The only sound was the rustling of leaves from the wind’s hand.

I looked to Daniel’s bright-eyed face, full of excitement and anticipation. His lips opened in a smile. His mop of brown hair rested just above his enchanting eyes. Suddenly, a piercing squawk filled the silence. My hands clapped over my ears, as the sound hit me. It sent shivers all over my body. My wings arched out with excitement. My body leaned forward to try and see where this creature was. Then I saw it, a huge eagle gliding towards us. Its giant wings barely moving, Its bright yellow beak released another shattering screech. My voice involuntarily responded, echoing its call. The eagle outstretched its talons and gripped on of the lower branches of the tree. I knelt down in wonder, its wings folded in gently. Its muscular legs gripped the poor branch. The collar of white around its neck informed me it was a male. I had to resist the urge to reach out and touch its sleek, jet-black feathers. Its giant head looked up to Daniel and I. Watching Daniel protectively with a circular eye that was tinted with bright yellow.

“He is beautiful!” I exclaimed my wings quivering in the presence of this illusive animal. I looked up to Daniel from where I was kneeling. His face matched mine. Filled with wonder and delight.

“I know… ready to fly?” He asked, his voice streaked with enthusiasm. I nodded and watched him as he slid down onto the eagles back and grabbed a handful of the eagle’s dark feathers. Daniel parted his legs and let them rest on either side of the eagle’s chest. His legs barely reached across the eagle’s broad back. The bird’s wings rustled with excitement and it turned itself around to take off.

“Try and keep up!” Daniel shouted across to me and gave me a cheeky smile. The eagle released another deafening screech that fuelled my soul, and then jumped off the branch. Its wings spread out to catch the air and then shot up into the sky like a bullet. I was surprised Daniel could hold on.

Your first flight with your mate was always considered special, this was the first time I would fly with Daniel. He was on an eagle, which was the master of the sky. What if I really couldn’t keep up? The thought daunted me. But my wings took charge and pulled me off the branch with a single pump of my scarlet wings. I looked above me, the eagle was flying high across the pale, blue sky. My heart began to pump adrenaline throughout my body. Making my wings push harder and harder, speeding through the sky. The wind sped by me, I was untouchable.

Soon I was flying alongside Daniel, he looked over to me and eyed my wings and then looked to my face. His hair was windswept as he glided through the sky. His body arched over, which made him more aerodynamic. A look of utter and complete joy crossed his face, his tainted lips curled over his perfect teeth in a breath-taking smile. His eyes glistened with tears of joy in his eyes. I could feel a small weight lifted from his heart. The amazing feeling made water pool in my own eyes. He glowed with happiness and I could tell he never looked like this before. My heart burned with the realisation that he was scarred with a sadness, from his pervious life. I remembered the pain of what he felt when he was dreaming about his sister. Why would someone hurt her?

“I wasn’t a good person back then…” His words echoed in my mind. How bad was he?

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