still chap 1. pt 2

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All for one and my mom fell in love of course she found out he was a very bad man right after she got preg-no with me she did not want me to grow up to be bad so she came up with a plan. As soon as i was born she was going to give me away to someone who would be able to provide for me her boss. The night came may 18 2004 I had big green eyes and believe it or not I popped out with white hair. My mom quickly hurried to her bosses door and gave me one last kiss on the forehead and rang the doorbell and disappeared. I would never see her again. She went back to where her and all for one were hiding he asked where i was and she bluntly said she gave me away. All for one was Furious and acted with anger and threw her. she hit her head and quickly died from a blow to the head.

Her bosses secretary, Marith, opened the door to find me sitting in a basket on the wet floor. She looked around, then picked me up and brought me in. She noticed my bracelet, it said kaberia. Marith took me to her boss and he quickly said she will be my successor if no one wants her. Then just like that I'm 5 and thriving and " kabe come on you need to get ready for your piano lessons"...... and going to piano lessons." kabe your hair you need to brush it and do you brush your teeth and ...." MARITH i got it and yes i did brush my teeth!!! "Did you brush your hair?!" umm no..... "Come here" NO NO NO ouch ow not so hard!!! " im sorry but if you were to do this more often this wouldn't be a problem. Look, isn't that better!!" no i want my poof back "POOF!!" "huuu. We don't have time, goon get the limo ready" yay!! We arrived at the piano lesson place. Um marith can you ask father something for me please "yes dear what is it?" Can you ask him if i can go to school? "But.... you know what he will say ma chérie" i know but please for my birthday!!! " hu i will try Amusez-vous bien!!"

Ok thanks to marith and I will. Marith smiled

I walk into what seems to be a nest of rich people at that "hey kid who are you under?!"

Um ritchy "okay come hurry!!" okayyyy geezz "did anyone tell you not to talk back!!!"

Yes but i do it anyway it's called standing up for what you believe'' hush girl come here sit!!!" alright geez. I sit down and wait for what it feels like 6 hours until finally someone comes. She is well dressed- "play note 34 ag" wha-?? "In the book haven't you been reading it!? Oh um yes.

I start to play "wow i'm impressed your level is 83 out of 100 your pretty high for your age your dismissed" um thanks? I look and the clock I've been here for 6 hours geez. The limo showed up and I got in. " i have great news ma chérie, '' is what I perk up and say. '' your father agreed to let you go to school. He says it's time for you to show everyone your true potential!!" really but i don't have a quirk. I said sadly " it will come ma chérie" okay when do i start!! "Right after we get you new gloves you know how much of a germ a fobe your father is." yes are we getting stronger ones!!! I ask "we non non non me i only can go" finie i say sadly. " oh cheer up ma chérie" you will be able to come some day just be patient" okay

The day finally came, school.

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