Chapter 27

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Louis's POV

When I saw Gemma in the kitchen, I was about to jump off Harry's back but he tightened his hold on me so I couldn't. Harry didn't sound impressed that she just showed up and he told her that if it's to try and break us up then she can forget it. He told her that she needs to either get to know me or get lost and not come back. He knows her so well.

After we had a tea or Coffee and sat talking for bit Liam and Niall come down and say they are heading out for the day. I feel my heart sink as I didn't really want to be just Harry and I today with Gemma. I was hoping Niall would stay but oh well. Niall comes over and whispers in my ear give her a chance and if she still doesn't like you then when I come back then we can maybe head to the cottage. I nod my head and say goodbye.

As the day wore on, I started to get to like Gemma as we got to know each other. I know she started to relax too as the day wore on.

Not long after Liam and Niall got back, we decided that we would get take away for dinner and Gemma says she will get it. Harry orders me my nuggets. Oh, he knows me so well now. I didn't even have to ask he just ordered it.

When she returned, I made grabby hands at it. They all laugh, and I can't help but join in.

After we have eaten, we all relax and talk for a bit until I can feel myself turning little. I was just about to tell Harry, but I think he noticed as he bent and whispered in my ear are you ok baby? I whisper back to him saying baby wants dummy. He was about to get up, but Niall jumped up and told us that he will help me get settled into bed. I say goodnight to everyone, and Harry says night baby I will be up soon.

Niall puts a nappy on me and was about to find my pajamas that I like to wear when I'm little, but I grab the t- shirt of Harry's that he took off this morning. I put that on and crawl under the covers snuggling into Harry's pillow. Niall gives me Ted that Harry got for me and I snuggle into that as well. Niall turns the night light on and says goodnight before walking out of the room.

Next thing I know I feel a body snuggle into me and strong arms wrap around me and pull me down so I can put my head on his chest. I know it's Harry from his scent. He always uses this mango body wash and it has grown on me. Even though we have only been going out for 2 months it has still grown on me. We whisper I love you to each other than snuggle down where I fall asleep again.

I wake up the next morning in the same position I fell asleep in. I look up and see Harry smiling at me and says hello baby did you sleep well? I nod my head and say sorry daddy that I'm little when your sister is here. He gently lifts my head and say don't be baby. I don't mind and they will find out eventually when we are ready to tell them. I nod and think for a bit and say if daddy wants to tell her now then baby doesn't mind.

Harry thinks for a bit then says ok baby if you want to we will tell her. I nod my head and say as long as daddy is with me throughout the whole thing and daddy won't leave if she doesn't like it. He shakes his head straight away and no I will not leave you baby. Daddy will stay right here.

We walk downstairs well Harry walks downstairs I'm on his back again and we walk into the kitchen to see everyone is awake. I put my head on Harry's shoulder so Gemma can't see the dummy still in my mouth.

Harry sits down with me cuddled into his chest and I see Niall jump up and start to warm some milk up for me and make Harry his coffee. We wait until Niall sits back down and Harry says Gem there is something Lou and I need to say so I am going to tell you. Before I do I need to say that whatever you think of what we are going to say I don't care but know I am not leaving him. There is very little people know about and it will explain why he calls me daddy. She nods her and I cuddle further into him holding on for dear life, so he won't leave me.

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