Chapter 18

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Louis POV

I wake up the next morning still cuddled into Harry's side. I stretch out a bit and realize that I am naked in bed but then I remember what we did, How Harry pleased me and then I pleased him. I smile at that as he gave me my first orgasm and I loved it. I also like when I was on top of him. I can't wait until I am better so we can actually do that.

I moved my leg a bit and I felt him stir beside me.

He leaned down and kissed my lips and he said "good morning sexy". I smile at him and say "morning daddy". I get up and go to the bathroom then turn the shower on so I can have a shower, I feel sticky after last night. I went to step in but Harry comes in and he says "babe hang on you can't get your cast wet". I step out of the shower and look down at my stupid wrist and say "stupid thing I can't even have a shower. I can't do anything with it". I can feel the tears come to my eyes and I go to walk out of the bathroom but Harry grabs my arm gently and pulls me back into his chest and he says "baby what's wrong"? I look at him and I say "I hate my life daddy. I can't do anything right. I can't have a shower by myself; I can't even have fun with you". He kisses the top of my head and he says "baby it will all get better. How about daddy has a shower with you so we don't get your wrist wet and then we will go and do something. Just the 2 of us we will go in the car for a drive. We won't need security because we won't get out of the car. We will spend the whole day together"? I slowly nod my head as I really want to spend time with him. As much as I love Niall he can be annoying at times and he has been around me since we got home yesterday. I want to spend time with Harry because I want to ask him something.

I hop in the shower with Harry and make sure I don't get my cast wet. Harry washes my back and then my hair and when he has finished I just lay my head against his chest so I can hear his heartbeat. That relaxes me and I say to him "daddy can I sometimes call you Harry please. I feel funny calling you daddy all the time". Harry gently lifts my chin up and says "baby you can call me whatever you want. I don't mind". I smile at him and think of what I can call him and I think of the perfect name. I kiss his chest and say "I like Haz or Hazza". He smiles down at me and he says "baby I love that name especially coming from you. You are so beautiful baby. I am so glad that I came across you that day".

After our shower Harry helps me get dressed and we go down stairs and see Niall and Liam in the kitchen. Harry gets my tea and his coffee in a travel mug ready while he tells Liam that we are going out for the day. Liam is not happy that he is going without security but Harry says to him "mate we are not getting out of the car. Louis just needs to relax and he needs for it to be the 2 of us just for a bit. We will be back by dinner". I can see Liam still isn't happy but he nods his head anyway. I turn to Harry and say "daddy we don't have to go. We can stay here. I don't want anything to happen to you while we are out". Harry looks at me and he says "baby nothing will happen to us. We are doing this for you ok"? I nod my head and say "ok daddy".

We grab our cups that Harry just made and make our way out to the car. I hop in and Harry puts my seat belt on me as I can't do it with one had.

Once we are on the road heading out of town I am just looking out the window when I feel something touch my leg. I look over and see Harry with his hand on my thigh. I put my hand on his and he glances over at me and says "you ok baby"? I nod my head and say "yeah Haz you just startled me that's all. But I am ok. Thank you for doing this for me. I really appreciate everything you are doing for me. Risking your life for me and all". Harry squeezes my thigh and says "baby I would do anything for you. I would give up my career for you. I love you". I can't help the blush that spreads across my cheeks at what he says.

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